Transition to Middle School Parent/Guardian Information Night – Thursday January 10, 2019
School Counselors in the Middle School
Developmental Changes in Middle School Lots of physical changes Brain restructuring Puberty Young adolescents need a lot of SLEEP! In early adolescence, the young adolescent body undergoes more developmental change than at any other time except from birth to two years old. Young adolescents' growth is accelerated and uneven (California State Department of Education, 1987; Kellough & Kellough, 2008; Manning, 2002; Scales, 1991, 2010; Wiles, Bondi, & Wiles, 2006.
Social and Friendship Changes Middle school a time in developing sense of self Social-emotional maturity is slow Strong need to belong to a group Peer approval is much more important than family approval Spotlight Effect Set aside time to talk with your child! In early adolescence, social-emotional maturity often lags behind physical and intellectual development. Young adolescents have a strong need to belong to a group—with peer approval becoming more important and adult approval decreasing in importance (Scales, 2010).
School and Class Structure English Math Science Social Studies Elective – PE/Health Elective – World Language Elective – art/music/more 1 class 7 classes 1 primary teacher 7 teachers Communication with teachers is best by e-mail
Academic Grading Many teachers use Letter Grades Each teacher has their own grading policy No set parent-teacher conferences Meet with teachers individually if needed Families may log into Synergy to check their student’s grades
Academic Supports in Middle School Communication with teachers and staff such as school counselor is key! Tutorial is open to all students after school! If at any point you have concerns, get in touch with your school counselor. Academic Supports in Middle School
Technology All middle school students will receive their own laptop and their own e-mail address Most classes use OneNote Be prepared to talk with your children about the use of laptop/technology at home
Sports and Clubs All schools have student clubs such as: writing club, environmental club, etc. All students can create their own club! Sports is available in partnership with Jubilee REACH after school Different seasons = different sports All activities happen AFTER tutorial
Transportation Bus transportation is provided by the school district if you live more than 1 mile away from the school and if you are attending your HOME school Bus transportation may not be available if you are attending an open enrolled school or choice school such as Big Picture or International If this is a barrier, please ask!
Supporting Students in Middle School Sleep: help your student carve out enough time to sleep by setting consistent bedtimes, creating a no screen rule after a certain time, etc. Talk: communicate with your student about your day and ask about their day, strive to listen first Connect: connect with teachers, school counselor, other staff if you have any concerns or questions
Volunteering in Middle Schools Volunteering in middle schools look differently than in elementary schools Join your school’s PTSA Volunteering in middle schools look differently than in elementary schools – less classroom help, more office support, and other needs.
Resources in Middle Schools Family Support Specialists Access to Translators Community Resources There are many resources available during the holidays and before school. Please get connected.
Before/After School Care Programs Please note: our middle schools do not offer before/after school care Boys and Girls Club: picks up from Tillicum, Tyee, International School BSD Bus: drops off from Chinook, Odle, Highland Cost: Free For more information/questions, e-mail Seth at Students are able to come as early as 7:00am or 7:30am – depending on the middle school. We do not provide before/after school care.
Looking Ahead: Summer Program Options Operation Ideation For students entering Grades 6-8 – focusing on design and thinking Accelerated Math Summer Program Please note that this program does not guarantee that you skip a math level!
Looking Ahead: High School and College Core Classes English Social Studies Math Science World Language 2-years of the same language AP vs. IB College level courses Advanced Placement = AP International Baccalaureate = IB IB only available at Interlake High School
Looking Ahead: College Bound Scholarship The College Bound Scholarship is designed to inspire and encourage Washington middle school students from low-income families to prepare for and pursue postsecondary education. The early commitment of state funding for tuition is intended to alleviate the financial barriers preventing students from considering college as a possibility. Students may only apply in 7th or 8th grade!
Bellevue School District Middle Schools Big Picture School (choice school: 6th-12th) Chinook Middle School Highland Middle School International School (choice school: 6th-12th) Odle Middle School Tillicum Middle School Tyee Middle School
Types of Middle Schools: Home, Choice, Open Choice Schools Open Enrollment Schools Choice Schools offer unique learning environments to any student in the Bellevue School District. Enrollment is done through an online application process. Online Applications will be accepted until Friday, February 1, 2019 at 4:30pm. Big Picture School International School Open Enrollment is for current Bellevue School District residents who wish to attend a school other than their assigned neighborhood school. Open Enrollment applications for the 2019-20 school year will be accepted until Friday, January 18, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. Highland Middle School Tillicum Middle School
Big Picture School Choice School Grades 6-12 – Applications for lottery accepted through Feb. 1st Overview – Why apply to Big Picture?: Project Based Learning Advisory and PMU Internships (HS students) Academic grading is Standards based (1, 2, 3, 4) Parent/Teacher conferences are SLC’s Student Led Conferences 2-4x per academic calendar year for every student Sports: MS: Available through Jubilee Reach Program HS: Students can participate in sports through either going to Sammamish HS OR students may go to their neighborhood HS
International School Choice School – Apply by February 1st! 7-year Course Study – required seven-year study of core subjects: International Studies, World Language (French), Math, Science, Humanities, Fine Arts, and PE Focus Week – Each student participates in one week of focused study outside formal classroom structure, e.g. environmental study in the Cascades, cooking classes, furniture building, disaster preparedness, film making, designing inventions, trips to Washington, D.C. and abroad, etc. Community – Each student participates in “community,” held on Wednesdays, as a time to get to know one another through common interests. 6th Grade Retreat – At the beginning of the school year, all 6th grade students spend an entire day together, getting to know one another and the school, playing games and team building activities.
Odle Middle School Odle Middle School home of the Vikings we currently have 1050 students in 6-8th grade. Students participate in our Honors(traditional) program or Advanced Learning. Advanced Learning (Gifted) Advanced Learning Services provide identified students with academic services at an advanced level and accelerated pace due to their ability to comprehend and process information. Services provide instruction in the core content areas of language arts, social studies, science and math. Instruction is designed to meet students’ cognitive and academic needs at the appropriate level.
Odle Middle School Good to know information WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) is an orientation and transition program. You will be invited to a special orientation day in August to meet other 6th graders, tour the school, connect with 8th grade leaders and just plain have fun! More information about this event will be mailed home in the Spring! My child is beyond the beginner level in a certain elective. Can we sign up for the next level instead? You will need to contact the teacher of the course directly and gain his/her permission to bypass the pre-requisite course. In some cases your child may need to take a placement exam or audition. This would be arranged with the teacher. How can my child accelerate in math? Students who are highly motivated and wish to accelerate in math may do so by taking the next course in the sequence during the summer. For accelerating past IMT 1 and IMT 2, the only acceptable summer course option is through BSD’s summer school program.
Registration/Admissions Process Home School Middle school counselors will be going to feeder elementary schools to help 5th grade students register Open Enrollment Highland Middle School Tillicum Middle School Application is available online and due on January 18th! Choice Schools Big Picture School International School Application is available online and due on February 1st!
Questions? Open Enrollment Deadline is Friday January 18th at 4:30pm /student-placement/open- enrollment/ Choice Schools Application Deadline is Friday February 1st at 4:30pm ply-to-choice-schools-and- programs/