Hinduism and Society Varnas- 4 main social divisions Brahmins- priests Kshatriyas- rulers or warriors Vaisyas- Farmers, traders and craftspeople Sudras- laborers
Caste System Divided Indian society into groups based on a person’s birth, wealth or occupation. The caste to which a person belonged to determined his place in society. Sutras- all the rules for the caste system. For example, people weren’t allowed to marry anyone from a different caste. It was forbidden to eat with someone from another caste as well.
Brahmanism Hindus believe in many gods but they believe that all gods are aspects of a single universal spirit called Brahman. 3 aspects of Brahman- Brahma, Siva and Vishnu Rigveda- oldest of the vedas. Hymns of praise to many gods.
Hinduism Major beliefs of Hinduism- page 138 Believe in many gods. 3 major gods- Brahma the creator, Siva the destroyer and Vishnu the Preserver Each god is a part of a single universal spirit called Brahman. Brahman created the world and preserves it.
Life and Rebirth Atman- a soul Everyone has a soul and it holds your personality, the qualities that make you who you are. Your ultimate goal is to reunite with Brahman, the universal spirit Your soul will eventually join Brahman because the world we live in is an illusion.
Cont… Reincarnation- rebirth Souls are reborn many times and each time in a new body. The type of form you take on depends upon his or her karma. Karma- the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul.