Engaging Health Plan Colleagues HFMA’s Perspective
Who is HFMA? We’re the Healthcare Financial Management Association representing 38,000+ leaders in healthcare finance, clinicians, and health plans in the United States. We bring together professionals across the healthcare continuum to collaborate and deliver value. Our mission is to lead the financial management of health care through National and regional events and 66 local chapters. We have two sister organizations in the UK and Australia adding an additional 15,000 members. www.hfma.org
HFMA Member Resources Get knowledge, insights, and perspectives from across the industry on such topics as innovative payment models, measuring the total cost of care, improving population health Contribute to, and benefit from, HFMA’s collaborative task forces and work groups convened to address issues that affect the industry Collaborate toward achievement of shared goals "HFMA has been invaluable to me over the past 20 years with exceptional education programs, networking opportunities, and career advancement. I read hfm magazine each month, attend webinars as often as my schedule permits, and attend local, regional and national educational and social events. All of these resources are important to me for staying topical on issues pertaining to the ever-changing landscape of healthcare." Peter Sabal RVP, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
MEMBER CONTENT Members receive: hfm magazine Leadership: Health Plan Resources Member-only content Chapter membership Special reports, white papers, plus regulatory updates
HFMA AFFINITY GROUPS HFMA Affinity Groups offer educational and networking opportunities to learn and connect with peers across the industry. Healthcare Economics Professional /BPCI/APM Council Financial Analytics Council Physician Practice Executive Council “Being a member of HFMA helps me understand the perspective of the provider community around financial management, and the specifics of what they deal with day to day. I find that perspective very helpful in figuring out ways to work together.” Philip Kane Actuary, Florida Blue
Bridge the Gap Today, it's more important than ever for health plans, hospitals and physicians to be on the same page—to understand each other's viewpoints, collaborate around the goals they share, and bridge the gaps on the issues that divide them. That’s why HFMA is reaching out to health plans.
Leadership: The C-Suite Magazine What You Can Do Sign up for a free subscription to this monthly e-magazine yourself at hfma.org/leadership Share interesting and thought-provoking articles with your health plan colleagues Recommend the Leadership e-newsletter to health plan leaders hfma.org/leadership/healthplan
Content Dedicated to Health Plans Check it out: Share the link: http://www.hfma.org/lead ership/healthplan/ Visit the page to look for relevant stories or features and share a specific link hfma.org/leadership/healthplan
Price Transparency: Role for Health Plans What You Can Do Familiarize yourself with the guidelines “Walk the talk”—provide information that health plans need to serve their members Reference the guidelines in your business conversations hfma.org/transparency
A Resource for Members: Consumer Guide to Healthcare Prices What You Can Do Read the guide to understand how consumers work with health plans and providers to obtain price estimates Post the guide on your organization’s website Share the link with health plan colleagues. hfma.org/consumerguide
Partnering With Health Plan Colleagues to Foster Collaboration www.hfma.org
The Value Project: Discover Strategies for High-Value Health Care hfma.org/valueproject
Total Cost of Care Study https://www.hfma.org/tcoc/
Total Cost of Care Study https://www.hfma.org/tcoc/
Total Cost of Care Study https://www.hfma.org/tcoc/
Total Cost of Care Study https://www.hfma.org/tcoc/
White Paper: Data Analytics What You Can Do Follow the link and read the collaborative report. Share this link with health plan colleagues. hfma.org/analyticswhitepaper
Value-Based Payment Readiness Survey* What You Can Do Use this health plan-sponsored research as a springboard for discussion with your health plan colleagues. Talk about the obstacles faced by both providers and health plans and how ─ together ─ you can overcome them. hfma.org/surveyreadiness *Survey conducted with support from Humana
HFMA Webinars What You Can Do View health plan-oriented webinars to health plan professionals. Recent webinars: Hierarchal Condition Categories and Clinical Documentation: The Core of Risk Adjustment Quality Payment Program Updates: Implications of Proposed Rule and More Leveraging Operational Insights and Analytics for Bundled Payment Success hfma.org/webinars hfma.org/virtualconference
Health Plan Top Issues* Modeling value based payments Developing commercial contracts with alternative payment models Operationalizing structures and processes to reflect changing payment models Predictive analytics and modeling Managing and measuring the total cost of care Managing quality metrics Value based physician compensation models Managing the implementation and business outcomes of bundled/episodic payments *Top Issues of interest to HFMA health plan members, based on 2017 annual national member needs survey
Contact Us for More Information Name Area/Title Phone Email Jinna Davis Regions 1, 2, and 3 708-492-3357 jdavis@hfma.org Pat Kosar Regions 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11 708-492-3346 pkosar@hfma.org Ada Lleshanaku Regions 4, 6, and 8 708-492-3363 alleshanaku@hfma.org Tracy Packingham Director, Chapter Relations 708-492-3348 tpackingham@hfma.org Todd Nelson Director, Partner Relationships and Chief Partnership Executive 708-492-3353 tnelson@hfma.org