Welcome to BTEC ICT Induction Lesson Year 12 Mrs Basi
Today’s Objective To gain a better understanding of BTEC ICT and prepare you for the term ahead.
WHY ICT? Why have you chosen to do ICT? What do you hope to achieve from the course? What is a BTEC? What are your expectations of the course?
Overview of the full course
Point – Grading System
UNIT 2 CREATING SYSTEMS TO MANAGE INFORMATION (90GLH) On screen based exam in controlled conditions 10 hours to complete in a 1 week window Overview You will be given a txt file of data which you will need to import in to spreadsheet and then in to a database to remove duplicates of data. You will then be asked to create relationships between tables and embed data validation and verification in the data. You will need to create queries, forms and reports based on the exam paper brief.
UNIT 2 Activity 1 – Entity Relationship Diagram TASKS Activity 1 – Entity Relationship Diagram Activity 2 – Tables and Validation Activity 3 – Interface and Functionality Activity 4 – Testing Activity 5 – Evaluation See example on Firefly
UNIT 3 SOCIAL MEDIA IN BUSINESS (60GLH) Assignment with 3 tasks Overview A)You will need to evaluate the different ways in which a business can use social media. B & C) You will then need to plan and implement the use of social media for a small business. See example on Firefly
UNIT 3 Each learning aim is an assignment. You can only submit an assignment once, however there is an opportunity for a resubmission within 10 days. However this is to be authorised by me and will not be used for people who required an extension.
UNIT 3 Each assignment is graded as P, M & D. You must achieve all the pass elements to be able to get the Merit. You must achieve all the P & M to gain the Distinction.
UNIT 3 Employer involvement: For this unit it would be useful to use a real life small business, such as a beautician, plumber, gardener etc. If you know of anyone who might be interested in you setting up their business social media please let me know.
UNIT 1 Digital devices in IT Systems Transmitting data This is a theory unit where you will need to sit a 2hr exam for in Jan 2020. This unit will be taught from the summer term of Year 12 in to the Autumn term of Year 13. The unit will cover the following topics: Digital devices in IT Systems Transmitting data Operating online Protecting data and information Impact of IT systems Issues Please see example exam paper on Firefly
Recommended books!
KAHOOT Understanding BTEC https://create.kahoot.it/share/understanding-btec-it-level-3/a2863a89-4766- 45da-a800-d1394cfc1744
FIREFLY – ICT – KS5 – BTEC ICT Tasks All tasks and paper work will be available to access on the school’s firefly page. FIREFLY – ICT – KS5 – BTEC ICT *Below is a rough example for unit 3 task deadlines however dates need to be included for re-submissions etc. A full outline of the year will become available to you in September. Task Rough deadline dates Unit 3 – Task A 28th Sept Unit 3 – Task B 26th Oct Unit 3 – Task C 7th Dec
Equipment To every ICT lesson you must ensure you have with you the following equipment: A USB/ Memory stick – You must get in the habit of backing up your work regularly. It is crucial not to lose any of your work. An A4 Folder/ Binder (doesn’t need to be thick) along with a writing pad/jotter to take notes on and do written tasks. Please ensure you have basic equipment such as pen, pencil, ruler etc.
SCHOOL USER AREA BTEC ICT Log on Create new folder called School – and place all your existing folders in to this folder. Create a new folder called Sixth Form Inside this folder create a folder called BTEC ICT BTEC ICT UNIT 3 Learning aim A Learning aim B & C UNIT 2
Common Problems Deadlines Spelling and grammar – always check through Lack of communication – between student and teacher. Honesty Lost work Make sure you listen to your teacher. Ability to use software Improvements not made – not telling the teacher Use of intuition
Good practice Candidate name, number and centre name and number in the header for all computerised tasks. Always check Firefly for guidance and resources and use the text book. Cross reference your work with the mark scheme, and example work. Put work in the order specified.
The step up from GCSE to A' level is a big Jump The step up from GCSE to A' level is a big Jump. It is crucial to be organised, committed and an independent learner to be successful in this course.
Any Questions?
Social media What is social media? Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. What is a target audience? A target audience is a specific group of people with shared characteristics who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Businesses typically use demographic information to define their target audience. *list as many social media sites *list social media features
Kahoot https://create.kahoot.it/share/btec-level-3-it-unit-3-impact-of-social- media/12364f5d-52ba-4519-ba9a-c5ae534a0622
SUMMER WORK Firefly/pre-year-12-summer-work/ict We will be starting unit 3 in September. Therefore I need you to gain an understanding of what social media is and the different sites available. You also need to understand the different features on the different sites and do some research on which sites are most popular. It is important that you reference any research that you have done. Complete the worksheets in the following order: Social media bridging day task Unit 3 Learning Aim A task sheet. Pixl6 gateway progression