Bell Work Title: Date:
Starter What did ‘Vision Mumbai’ aim to achieve? What did the LSS charity (bottom up approach) try to control in Mumbai? How did Malham Cove get to 300metres above sea level? Name 5 types of sedimentary rocks we studied Name and draw the 4 ways in which rivers carry their load
What did ‘Vision Mumbai’ aim to achieve What did ‘Vision Mumbai’ aim to achieve? Building of 1 million low-cost homes, improving transport infrastructure, improving air and water quality What did the LSS charity (bottom up approach) try to control in Mumbai? Leprosy and then went on to improve general health and education How did Malham Cove get to 300metres above sea level? Geology, tectonic processes, glaciation Name 5 types of sedimentary rocks we studied. Chalk, clay, limestone, sandstone, millstone grit Name and draw the 4 ways in which rivers carry their load
energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Lesson Sequence Specification – GCSE Edexcel Geography Teaching from Sept 2016 onwards Spec Reference 9.1a Topic The Consuming Energy Resources Lesson Different types of energy resources Sequence 1 of 12 Key Words; energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Electricity, biogas
Lesson Objectives Lesson Competency (Level 1-3) Proficiency Mastery (Level 7-9) 1 To be able to identify/ define and describe the keywords To be able to classify energy resources into different categories To be able to explain why different energy resources are used in different locations
Different types of energy resources Task B Draw an annotated diagram to help answer the key question ( at least 3- 4 annotations) KQ: Explain why different energy resources are used in different locations (4 marks) Keywords: energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Electricity, biogas LO To be able to identify/ define and describe the keywords (grade 1-2) To be able to classify energy resources into different categories (grade 3-6) To be able to examine why different energy resources are used in different locations ( grade 7-9) Task C Write a couple of sentences to answer the question. Grade 1-2 Begin to identify/ Define/Describe using keywords Should be able to define and describe all the key words above 3-4 Explain ideas and processes/Explain with case studies Classify energy resources into categories 5-6 Explain with few links/Explain with detailed links Make links between the categories and be able to justify why you have categorized them in this way 7-8 Suggest/Begin to examine / assess Assess the reasons why different energy resources are used in different locations 9 Detailed examining and assessing Come up with an overall judgement on reasons for location and use specific examples Too hard? Use: The keywords Where would you grade yourself at the beginning of this lesson? Challenge: Can you define any of the keywords?
Task 1- Key words Task 1 -Have a copy of the definitions -Please match them up. Definition Meaning 1) Energy resource A) These are being used up and cannot be replaced. They are sometimes known as finite resources – they’re not replaceable once they have been used 2) Fossil fuels B) the opportunities an area offers to generate electricity based on its natural conditions and circumstances 3) Non-renewable C) general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. 4) Renewable D) The presence and flow of electric charge 5) Recyclable E) Refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter 6) Electricity F) These provide energy from sources that can be recycled or reused e.g. reprocessed uranium for nuclear power 7) Biogas G) These will never run out and can be used over and over again. They are infinite resources. Extension-How could you link some of these definitions back to another topic we have studied in Geography ( think back to year 9)
Task 1- Key words ANSWER 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) G 5) F 6) D 7) E
Different types of energy resources KQ: Explain why different energy resources are used in different locations (4 marks) Keywords: energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Electricity, biogas LO To be able to identify/ define and describe the keywords (grade 1-2) To be able to classify energy resources into different categories (grade 3-6) To be able to examine why different energy resources are used in different locations ( grade 7-9) Grade 1-2 Begin to identify/ Define/Describe using keywords Should be able to define and describe all the key words above Red/ Green – Let me know if you are still not a grade 2? Where would you grade yourself now? Attempt this part of grading criteria in your books without looking at your notes
Task 2a: Energy classification Task 2b: Use your definitions to justify why you have sorted them in this way. Hint: Use your definitions Enrichment: Can you make any links between the classification?
Task 3 Using the information sheets around the room Complete your worksheet You must have: a description of each energy Disadvantages Advantages Enrichment: Which energy resource do you think would suit us the most?
Different types of energy resources KQ: Explain why different energy resources are used in different locations (4 marks) Keywords: energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Electricity, biogas LO To be able to identify/ define and describe the keywords (grade 1-2) To be able to classify energy resources into different categories (grade 3-6) To be able to examine why different energy resources are used in different locations ( grade 7-9) Grade 1-2 Begin to identify/ Define/Describe using keywords Should be able to define and describe all the key words above 3-4 Explain ideas and processes/Explain with case studies Classify energy resources into categories 5-6 Explain with few links/Explain with detailed links Make links between the categories and be able to justify why you have categorized them in this way Red/ Green – Let me know if you are still not a grade 6? Where would you grade yourself now? Attempt this part of grading criteria in your books without looking at your notes
Task 4 Use the information to complete the table
Different types of energy resources KQ: Explain why different energy resources are used in different locations (4 marks) LO To be able to identify/ define and describe the keywords (grade 1-2) To be able to classify energy resources into different categories (grade 3-6) To be able to examine why different energy resources are used in different locations ( grade 7-9) Keywords: energy resource, fossil fuels, non-renewable, renewable, recyclable, Electricity, biogas Grade 1-2 Begin to identify/ Define/Describe using keywords Should be able to define and describe all the key words above 3-4 Explain ideas and processes/Explain with case studies Classify energy resources into categories 5-6 Explain with few links/Explain with detailed links Make links between the categories and be able to justify why you have categorized them in this way 7-8 Suggest/Begin to examine / assess Assess the reasons why different energy resources are used in different locations 9 Detailed examining and assessing Come up with an overall judgement on reasons for location and use specific examples Red/ Green – Let me know if you are still not a grade 9? Where would you grade yourself now? Attempt the last part of grading criteria in your books without looking at your notes.
Plenary KQ: Explain why different energy resources are used in different locations (4 marks)
Use this slide for an activity that extends/deepens/ applies the knowledge/ skills/ concepts covered in the DISCOVER section of the lesson. You can write conclusions/evaluations to experiments, literacy task relating to topic , book or exam questions etc Use every opportunity you can for students to self and peer assess. Add success criteria i.e.: what do students need to do to meet the learning outcomes. Add a stretch and challenge activity for students who are more able. HAVE YOU MADE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR AfL?