SimVenture Evolution Employability Skills 17/12/2019
Summary of Lesson 2 In this module we covered the following areas: Why we’re using SimVenture in this module SimVenture Evolution- Key Features SMEs and employability skills Guided tour of SimVenture Evolution Logging in to your account Use headphones| videos on-line Please remember to complete all the quizzes to demonstrate what you’ve learned today. The CBI skills you may have developed today are: A positive attitude (readiness to take part, openness to new ideas and activities, desire to achieve) Application of information technology-basic IT skills, including familiarity with word processing, spread sheets, file management and the use of internet search engines. Summary of Lesson 2 12/17/2019
Employability skills Overview of what we’re going to cover today: CBI employability skills questionnaire Reflective Journal In this module we’re going to explore The British Chamber of Industry’s definition of employability skills (CBI) and then you’re going to write up your analysis in the journal which can be found inside the simulation. 17/12/2019
Employability skills As we outlined in a previous module. Along with the skills outlined by the QAA at the beginning of this program of studies we’re also going to explore the Chamber of British Industry’s (CBI) definition of employability skills because these are the skills that are specifically needed by employers along with the skills identified in the QAA documentation. This module will help you to become more aware of what employability skills are and how you can develop them. To do this you’ll be taking part in an evaluation of your skills both before and after the program for a number of reasons: Part of your assessment will then reflect on the development of these skills. You will be able to see how your skills have developed and add them to your CV with evidence of how you’ve developed them. If you haven’t already, please download and read the PDF document you can find here: Think about which of those skills you have already and which you need to develop in preparation for the survey. Whilst you might think you already have all these skills if I asked you show some evidence for each one would you be able to do that? If not, then you have some further development to achieve. 12/17/2019
Measuring your success Sim Venture Evolution Skills & competencies before After Your CV/evidence During this program you will be measuring the skills and competencies you’ve developed using SimVenture Evolution. You’ll be completing a survey before and after the simulation so you see how successful you’ve become. After you have completed this study programme you will be able to evidence the development of your employability skills on your CV. Chamber of British Industry 17/12/2019
Employability Skills Survey To start your evaluation and analysis of your employability skills you will need to complete the survey using the link in the slide above. So please go to this website and complete the survey: Complete the survey and you will receive your responses by email which you should keep in a safe place. You’ll be doing the survey again once the whole program has be completed. Then you’ll be able to compare the two sets of results at the end of the program. Being able to recognise the development of your skills and competencies will be an important asset for you because you’ll be able to explain with evidence how you developed your skills and capabilities within the simulation thus making you increasingly employable. Many of our learners have used their experiences in the simulation in interview situations and have been able to evidence their employability skills in their CV’s as well. Please make sure you receive both sets of responses so that you have the information you need to complete the reflective part of your assessment. Employability Skills Survey 12/17/2019
Thank you Next - Writing up your journal Thank you for completing the employability skills questionnaire. The next step is to write up what you’ve done today in your learning journal so you have a record of it for your assessment. Next - Writing up your journal 12/17/2019
Log in Open up a browser remembering not to use Internet Explorer. Try Chrome or Firefox instead. Go to - don’t forget to add the last forward slash. Log in with your user name and password using the LOGIN button. 12/17/2019
Journal Finding the Journal – go to LEFT HAND SIDE OF SCREEN – ON THE BLUE TABS YOU WILL SEE JOURNAL. Click the tab called Journal and you should see a screen like this.
Add Journal Entry CLICK ADD JOURNAL ENTRY Give the entry a TITLE e.g. Employability skills. CATEGORY – Decide on a category AREA – Decide on a category MESSAGE – write up your summary which you can use in your assessment. Keep it short and bullet pointed as happens in the real business world. Remember to press Submit to save the entry. Well done everyone you’re set up and ready to go. Go back into the journal to check that your notes are there. Your journal notes will be useful when you come to write up your assessment at the end of this study programme.
In this model we explored and evaluated the CBI employability skills and completed the employability skills questionnaire We also wrote in our Reflective Journal within the simulation so that we have evidence ready for your assessment. The CBI skills you may have developed today: A positive attitude (readiness to take part, openness to new ideas and activities, desire to achieve) Self-management – readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, time management, readiness to improve own performance Application of information technology-basic IT skills, including familiarity with word processing, spread sheets, file management and the use of internet search engines. Summary 12/17/2019