Alma and Primo VE Request Services: Making Your Links Play Well Together


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Presentation transcript:

Alma and Primo VE Request Services: Making Your Links Play Well Together Michelle Eichelberger - SUNY Shared Library Services Heidi Webb - Upstate Medical University

Patron-facing Considerations Authorized users & Authentication: The visibility of Request Links in Alma/Primo will be directly tied to the patron’s status and whether or not they’re allowed by you to place requests of any kind. Patrons will need to login in order to see the Request Links unless you configure the system to do otherwise. Other Request Types Available: How do you keep all of the requests from showing at once? Link names: do you want your patrons to have to know the difference between request types Availability: Do you want to allow holds for items on shelf? Do you have other campuses who need items delivered? - on shelf requestability Resource Type: How do you set up links by format/genre, e.g. how do you separate books from eBooks? Do different resource types need different links, e.g. articles = ILLiad? Authentication: Dependent on type of service - holds yes, ILLiad article link maybe not forced/auto login can help, weigh need to keep catalog open to outside users vs convenience for patrons, difference between types of authentication (Heidi mention OpenAthens), make users login twice for Primo then ILLiad (Michelle)? Authentication for internal/community patrons may take some work

Request Types in Primo VE: Holds Can control with fulfillment unit details, rules, and terms of use. for things you own can decide if you want to allow on-shelf holds or not TOUs determine who you want to allow to place holds, if no, Request button won’t show at all even though sign-on message says “sign-on for more options” Need Primo login/authentication because it’s tied to patron account and often user group

Fulfillment Unit Rule - Request Type

Terms of Use - Request Type

Request Types in Primo VE: Holds Need to login to see request link and TOU. Most wording is customizable.

Hold Request Form Presence of pickup location and Material Type will likely differ from Resource Sharing request link (more on that later).

Hold Request Form: Pickup Locations Pickup locations determined by TOUs Defaut pickup location says ‘No Campus’ if you don’t have campuses defined in Alma (which seems rare)

Hold Request Form: Display Fields To change the fields that are displayed in the request form in Alma: Configuration->Institution->Discovery->GetIt Configuration->Hold and Booking Request

Holds: Link Display Pro Tip - Most Wording is Customizable Code: no_fulltext

Link Displays Discovery → Labels Holds: can change the link wording in Results Tile, Error Messages, and Request Options

Alma Resource Sharing This is SUNY’s default physical material request option Peer to peer Resource Sharing: utilizes Network Zone If material isn’t found in Network, can be pushed out to ILLiad You don’t own what your patron needs, or it’s checked out? Now what? For physical material

Alma Resource Sharing - Configuration This is where you need to think about if your patrons should care what form they’re using. Do you call everything “Get It”? Great for patron, confusing for you when you’re trying to configure and test because you won’t know what’s what Use fake a href to make it look like a link

Alma Resource Sharing Request Forms Out of the Box Customized Minimal Version The more you choose to display change, the more the user can change it. Beware! Note that the accept network config will hide “other library” in your resource sharing request form - leftover from article part of fulfillment network - contact Michelle

General Electronic Services (GES) This is where to create and configure links to ILLiad and other external interfaces Uses OpenURL link What is OpenURL? NISO Standard that allows metadata and citation information to pass between vendors It’s the magic that auto-populates the ILLiad request form

What does an OpenURL look like? https://suny- &date=2019&aulast=Bae&issue=2&spage=130&title=ACS Applied Polymer Materials&atitle=Highly Efficient Recovery of Water-Soluble Polymers in Synergistic Kinetic Inhibition of Gas Hydrate Formation&sid=achs&volume=1&iuid=4254496&epage=135&genre=article&id=doi:10.1021/acsapm.8b00177 &jtitle=ACS Applied Polymer Materials

OpenURL → Metadata Joined with an & date=2019 aulast=Bae issue=2 spage=130 title=ACS Applied Polymer Materials atitle=Highly Efficient Recovery of Water-Soluble Polymers in Synergistic Kinetic Inhibition of Gas Hydrate Formation sid=achs volume=1 iuid=4254496 epage=135 genre=article id=doi:10.1021/acsapm.8b00177 jtitle=ACS Applied Polymer Materials

GES Set-up To set up the link go to Alma Configuration → Institution → Fulfillment → Discovery Interface Display Logic → General Electronic Services and choose Add Service Do you need separate one for books and for articles? Problems mapping DVDs & AV discussion on Basecamp

GES - Service Details SUNY FAQ with details on the OpenURL linking and more: Availability rules tell the system when to disable the link and whether or not you want the link to display in Primo when a patron is not logged in Areas in Primo the Link is Allowed to Display in OpenURL mapping goes in URL Template

GES - Service Availability Rules Disable or show links based mostly on OpenURL attributes Book chapter - bookitem, no ebooks, etc

GES - Configuration Notes Public name for link is controlled in the Service Details CSS changes not possible because it’ll impact other links There’s no form to modify in Alma because it’s linking out directly via OpenURL to ILLiad web pages. Changes to the request form would be in ILLiad, not Alma. Note that you can’t format link with css because it’s the same code as other links, which will also be changed. Annoying. Note: You may want to select “Enable without Login = Yes” to allow the article ILLiad link to display when using openurl linking from external sources (ie from Elsevier, ACS, EBSCO, etc. to Primo)

Putting it All Together: Display Logic Rules Display GES, Holds, Alma Resource Sharing links based on the presence of other links, availability, user group, and more.

Request Types in Primo VE: Alma Fulfillment Network These links show up next to other libraries and are essentially configured by the owning library. SUNY is only using fulfillment network for walk-in borrowing - that’s why you need to exclude “OpenSUNY” in GES so other SUNY’s don’t see your ILLiad links (can exclude other user groups too) In addition, ILLiad physical material requests need to be behind a login or the request link will show for other SUNY campuses rding_1763996817

Discussion and Demo Questions? More advanced discussion on streaming, ebooks, book chapter, etc?