2019 USA Swimming Stroke & Turn Official Training Clarice Wasmuth
Philosophy of Officiating Everything is grounded in the rules. The rules determine what is allowed and what is not. - “Ugly but legal” - Officials are NOT coaches Observers, not inspectors Observation should be consistent for all rules and all swimmers Do NOT infer or extrapolate Swimmer ALWAYS gets the benefit of the doubt USA Swimming National Officials Committee
What is FINA? What is USA Swimming? USA Swimming is affiliated with the Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur(FINA) which oversees international swimming competition, including the Olympic Games. What is USA Swimming? USA Swimming is the national governing body (NGB) for amateur competitive swimming in the United States. Established in 1978, USA Swimming, formally the Amateur Athletic Union(AAU), is headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO. and oversees all USA Swimming sanctioned events held in the U.S. What is Georgia Swimming? Within the United States, USA Swimming is divided into 59 Local Swimming Committees(LSCs), each one responsible for administering USA Swimming activities in a defined geographical area. The Georgia Swimming LSC geographical territory encompasses the State of Georgia and the Counties of Chambers and Russell, Alabama. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Federation Internationale de Natation ASUA-UANA Amateur Swimming Union of the Americas http://www.usaswimming.org http://www.gaswim.org
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Conduct Expectations Officials that are working should not wear a team or Athlete hat – you are there for all swimmers, no matter the team Maintain positive attitude at all times No cell phone usage on deck Do not cheer for or coach swimmers Control emotions on deck Do not discuss calls with anyone other than Referees or Chief Judges unless asked Smile! USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA Swimming Stroke & Turn GOLDEN RULE The benefit of the doubt always goes to the swimmer! Who are the Officials on the Deck Clerk of Course, Administrative Officials, & Timing Operators – Dry Side Officials S & T Starter Deck Referee Meet Referee Sometimes a Chief Judge Sometimes an Administrative Referee
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Teamwork Meet Referee is in charge, assisted by Deck Referees and Chief Judges Cooperate and respect all at all times Accept assignment without complaint Answer questions from Referees and Chief Judges honestly and with as much detail as possible Follow established relief protocols USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Uniform and Self-Presentation Uniform Requirements - [Khaki or Navy] pants or knee-length shorts, skort, capris or skirt - White polo shirt, tucked in - Belt - Primarily white tennis shoes - White socks - Credential and/or nametag Look professional at all times! USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA S & T Georgia Uniform Equipment for Meet (Tax deductible) Solid white Collared shirt (may have a small Logo ex. Speedo, Nike,) Navy blue shorts, skort, skirt, pants, capris; Solid White shoes (or close to white) NO - Tshirts with writing/designs & Blue Jeans are Not appropriate! Equipment for Meet (Tax deductible) Radios (Dual Channel) Head Set heat sheet pencil or pen
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Working a Meet Contact Meet Referee in Advance (They love an RSVP!) Stroke Briefing Assignments and Jurisdiction Observation Techniques Reporting Disqualifications USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA Swimming S &T Jurisdiction Can be different for each meet you go to. Usually are consistent through a entire meet. Are set by the Meet Referee & should always be explained clearly to you during the stroke briefing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure of your Jurisdiction!
Disqualifications Can be made only by the S & T Judge within whose jurisdiction the infraction has been committed. The Official must raise their hand after seeing the infraction. If the Official does not raise their hand the infraction/DQ will not stand. Must be based on personal observation & Gives the swimmer the benefit of any doubt. (BE SURE THE VIOLATION OCCURRED, UNDERSTAND CLEARLY WHAT IT IS AND BE PREPARED TO EXPLAIN IT.) The S & T Judge shall then announce over radio the DQ Call – Lane & DQ (ex. Lane 5 DQ, Shoulders past vertical during the swim of the backstroke) The S & T judge May have to write up a DQ slip The S & T making the call should also write the DQ next to the swimmer name on their heat sheet in case any questions arise later. The S & T Judge on the side where the swimmer exits the pool should make an attempt to tell the swimmer that they were DQ and why. (ex. “That was a great swim. You were DQ because you did not touch with two hands during your turn.”)
Technical Rules- Freestyle Start Forward start. Stroke/Kick Any style may be used. Must break surface throughout the race except swimmer may be submerged after start and each turn not more than 15 meters where head must break surface. Turns/Finish Some part of swimmer must touch the wall at completion of each length or required distance. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Common Infractions- Freestyle Head did not break surface of water by 15 meter mark Walking on/springing from bottom No touch at turn OK to hold on to lane – but not to pull USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Definitions Arm––That part of the body that extends from the shoulder to the wrist Body––The torso, including the shoulders and hips Finish––The instant that a swimmer touches the wall at the end of the prescribed distance Horizontal––Parallel to the surface of the water May––Permissive, not mandatory USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Definitions On the Back––Position of the body when the shoulders are at or past vertical towards the back On the Breast––Position of the body when the shoulders are at or past vertical towards the breast Propulsive––Having the power to propel Scissor Kick––Use of the top of the instep of one foot and the bottom of the other foot in the propulsive part of the kick Shall––Mandatory USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA Swimming National Officials Committee Definitions Simultaneously––Occurring at the same time Touch––Contact with the end of the course Turn––A point where the swimmers reverse or change direction Vertical––Perpendicular to the water surface Wall––Vertical portion of the pool, contiguous surfaces of the deck and overflow gutter, the front portion of the starting block or platform, or the touchpad at the end of the course USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Back stroke Start: In water facing start end with both hands on gutter or starting grips. guttered pool - feet/toes may be above the water, but may not be in, on, above lip, or bent over the gutter at any time before or after start. flat wall pads - feet/toes may be placed above the water level. when using backstroke ledges - the toes of both feet must be in contact with the wall Stroke: Any style as long as swimmer remains on back. Swimmer must break surface throughout the race except swimmer may be submerged after start and each turn not more than 15 meters where head must break surface. Turns: During turn swimmer may go past vertical to the breast and may utilize a continuous single or continuous simultaneous double arm pull to initiate the turn. Some part of swimmer must touch wall at completion of each length. Shoulders at or past vertical toward back when feet leave wall. Finish: Some part of swimmer must touch the wall while on the back.
Common Infractions- Backstroke Toes above lip of gutter after start Head did not break surface of water by 15 meter mark Shoulders past vertical towards breast Delay initiating arm pull Delay initiating turn Re-submerged USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Technical Rules- Butterfly Start Forward start Stroke Body kept on breast. Multiple kicks permitted but first arm pull must bring swimmer to the surface. Must break surface throughout the race except swimmer may be submerged after start and each turn not more than 15 meters where head must break surface. Arms, shoulder to wrist, brought forward over water and pulled back simultaneously. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Technical Rules- Butterfly Kick Simultaneous up and down movement. No alternating, scissors, or breaststroke kicking movements. Turns/Finish Shoulders at or past vertical toward breast when the swimmer leaves the wall. Touch should be made with both hands separated and simultaneous at, above, or below the water surface. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Common Infractions- Butterfly Head did not break surface of water by 15 meter mark Alternating kick Breaststroke kick Scissors kick Non-simultaneous arms Underwater recovery One hand touch Non-simultaneous touch USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Technical Rules- Breaststroke Start Forward start. Stroke Body kept on breast. Stroke cycle is one arm pull and one leg kick in that order. Simultaneous arm movement in same horizontal plane. After start and each turn one arm stroke may be completely back to legs. Head must break surface at widest part of second pull. Recovery by the hands from the breast-on, under, or over the water. Elbows under water except last stroke before turn or finish. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Technical Rules- Breaststroke Kick After start and each turn, prior to the first breaststroke kick, a single butterfly kick is permitted. Movement of the legs shall be simultaneous vertically and horizontally. Feet turned out during propulsive part of kick. No alternating, scissors, or butterfly kick, except as stated, is allowed. Turns/Finish Shoulders at or past vertical toward breast when feet leave wall. Touch shall be made with both hands separated and simultaneously at, above, or below the water surface. At the last stroke before the turn and at the finish an arm stroke not followed by a leg kick is permitted. Head may be submerged after the last arm pull prior to the touch, provided it breaks the surface of the water at some point during the last complete or incomplete stroke cycle preceding the touch. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Common Infractions- Breaststroke Head did not break surface of water by widest part of second stroke (Head Not Up) Butterfly kick Scissors kick Alternating kick Arms past hipline Arms not in same horizontal plane One hand touch Non-simultaneous touch USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Hot of the Press - Individual Medley 101.6 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY — The swimmer shall swim the prescribed distance in the following order: the first one-fourth, butterfly; the second one-fourth, backstroke; the third one-fourth, breaststroke; and the last one-fourth, freestyle. .1 Start — The forward start shall be used. .2 Stroke — The stroke for each one-fourth of the designated distance shall follow the prescribed rules for that stroke, except in the freestyle, the swimmer must be on the breast except when executing a turn. .3 Turns A. Intermediate turns within each stroke shall conform to the turn rules for that stroke, except that in the freestyle turn, the swimmer must return to the breast before any kick or stroke. B. The turns when changing from one stroke to another shall conform to the finish rules for the stroke just completed, and shall be as follows: (1) Butterfly to Backstroke — The swimmer must touch as described in 101.3.5. Once a legal touch has been made, the swimmer may turn in any manner, but the shoulders must be at or past the vertical toward the back when the swimmer leaves the wall. (2) Backstroke to Breaststroke — The swimmer must touch the wall while on the back. Once a legal touch has been made, the swimmer may turn in any manner but the shoulders must be at or past the vertical toward the breast when the swimmer leaves the wall and the prescribed breaststroke form must be attained prior to the first arm stroke. (3) Breaststroke to Freestyle — The swimmer must touch as described in 101.2.4. Once a legal touch has been made, the swimmer may turn in any manner and must return to the breast before any kick or stroke. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Common Infractions- Individual Medley An Infraction from the previous lists – for the stroke being swam Swimming more than ¼ of the race in the style of butterfly, backstroke, or breaststroke USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Technical Rules- Relays Freestyle Relay Freestyle rules apply. Each swimmer must swim ¼ of distance. Medley Relay Rules pertaining to each stroke apply. Each swimmer must swim ¼ of event distance as prescribed stroke, in order of Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Freestyle. May not swim in the style of the other three strokes during the freestyle leg. Takeoffs Swimmer’s feet/foot must remain in contact with the starting platform until the incoming swimmer has touched the finish wall or pad. USA Swimming National Officials Committee
Common Infractions- Relays Early takeoff Swimming more than ¼ of the race in the style of butterfly, backstroke, or breaststroke (if a medley relay) USA Swimming National Officials Committee
USA S & T Weird Issues that may arise No Assistance for a swimmer during their swim. Any swimmer who acts in an unsafe or unsportsmanlike manner observed by the Stroke/Turn Judge may be considered for disciplinary action. Consult with Meet Referee Swimming across lanes does not disqualify a swimmer unless interference occurs at the S & T judge’s discretion; However, the swimmer must start and finish in the same lane Standing on the pool's bottom during a freestyle race shall not disqualify a swimmer unless he leaves the pool or walks or springs from the bottom. (NOTE: other than at the turn, standing on the bottom after the start and before the finish of any other stroke shall constitute a disqualification.) If a swimmer swimming backstroke hangs on to a lane rope…are their shoulders past vertical? If so then DQ
Resources USA Swimming Web Site: http://www.usaswimming.org “For You” Tab then “Official” tab Signing In Athlete Protection Background Check Test & Rule Book Georgia Swimming Web Site: http://www.gaswim.org Meets to apprentice at (Always read your meet info before going to a meet) Georgia Official Site: http://www.gaofficials.org Rule Book – USA Web Site Under “Official” Tab
Steps to Becoming USA Official Training Class $16.00 - Gary Thesian, Finance Chair, Georgia Swimming, Inc., OR Paypal Take On Line Open Book Test – USA Swimming Site Back Ground Check – USA Swimming Site - $38 – every other year Athlete Protection Training (free) yearly – USA Swimming Site – Need to take the APT within 60 days of the 1st apprentice session. Concussion Training (free) – One and done - https://nfhslearn.com/courses/61129/concussion-in- sports - Send your certification certificate to ed Saltzman – swimsalt@bellsouth.net USA 2020 NON – Athlete Registration Application $71.00 – yearly registRation Apprentice Form*** Always take with you to meets Apprentice at 5 sessions (at least 2 different Meets) Scan and email back to me & Doug Kintz Certification Cards (Emailed PDF) I will email you document with these steps after you take and pass your test. Along with your apprentice form & USA Non-Athlete Registration application.