Introduction to GCSE English Literature and Language English Department Oakwood School Welcome to your GCSEs! Introduction to GCSE English Literature and Language
The Course: what do you need to know? You study BOTH English Literature and English Language. You study THREE texts and 15 poems for Literature. You study Reading, Writing and Spoken skills for Language. For Language you sit TWO exams. For Literature you sit TWO exams. There is no coursework: the course is 100% exam based.
English Language GCSE: PAPER 1 You will be given ONE source (unseen) to read and use to answer your questions. It will either be 19th, 20th or 21st Century. It will be FICTION e.g. from a novel. You will choose to write EITHER a descriptive OR a narrative piece of extended writing. (First) 15 minutes = READING time 1hr 30 mins = ANSWERING 5 questions 40 marks for READING (section A) 40 marks for WRITING (Section B) 50% of your English LANGUAGE GCSE Grade. You will answer FOUR reading questions on various skills including language and structure analysis. You will answer ONE writing question. This questions is 40 marks (half the marks of Paper 1!)
English Language GCSE: PAPER 2 You will be given TWO sources (unseen) to read and use to answer your questions. They will either be 19th, 20th or 21st Century (whichever weren’t used on Paper 1). It will be NON-FICTION e.g. article, autobiography. You will be given ONE question (not a choice). It will be non-fiction e.g. letter, speech. It will be giving a point of view on a statement. (First) 15 minutes = READING time 1hr 30 mins = ANSWERING 5 questions 40 marks for READING (section A) 40 marks for WRITING (Section B) 50% of your English LANGUAGE GCSE Grade. You will answer FOUR reading questions. Two questions will be based around COMPARING the two texts. You will answer ONE writing question. This questions is 40 marks (half the marks of Paper 2!)
English Language GCSE: Spoken Language This means it is a Speaking and Listening: you will need to do a speaking assessment in front of the class. You will be asked to PREPARE and PRESENT a speech on a specific topic of your choice. It must be done as an individual; not in pairs or a group. Members of the class, and your teacher, will ask you two or three questions after you have finished which you can answer. They will be about your topic. You must speak using good English e.g. no slang. The task your class does might be different to another class. It is chosen by your class teacher. Once marks have been entered, 32 students will be selected (at random) by the exam board to repeat their performance and be filmed. This is for Exam board moderation. It does not affect your GCSE grade for English Language in anyway. It simply qualifies you for being entered into the exam.
Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 English Literature GCSE: Texts Studied During your GCSE English Literature course, you will study (and sit exams on) the following texts: You will also be studying POWER and CONFLICT POETRY (15 poems) across Years 10 and 11. (Years 9,10 and 11 for Year 9s in Sept 2019) All Literature exams are CLOSED BOOKS i.e. you will not have a copy of the text or the poems in the exam with you. It is all done from memory. Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
English Literature GCSE: PAPER 1 You will be asked ONE question on ‘Macbeth’. There will not be a choice. You WILL have an extract from the play in the question. This also has a SPAG mark attached. You will be asked ONE question on ‘A Christmas Carol’. There will not be a choice. You will have an extract from the novella in the question. 52 minutes per question: this includes planning and reading time. ‘Macbeth’ = 34 marks (inc 4 marks for SPAG) ‘A Christmas Carol’ = 30 marks (no SPAG) Paper 1 is only 40% of your Literature GCSE. (Paper 2 is a higher weighting)
English Literature GCSE: PAPER 1 You will be given a CHOICE of TWO questions on ‘An Inspector Calls.’ There will NOT be an extract. There is a SPAG mark attached. You will be asked ONE question on Power & Conflict poetry. You will be given ONE poem in the exam, and you choose another. You do not have your poetry book with you. You will be asked TWO questions on Unseen Poetry. One of these will be a comparison. Approx 45minutes per Section. ‘An Inspector Calls’ = 34 marks (inc 4 marks for SPAG) Power and Conflict Poetry = 30 marks Unseen Poetry = 32 marks Paper 2 is 60% of your Literature GCSE. (Paper 1 is a lower weighting)
We are here! Click to remove Click to remove English GCSE Overview: 2019-2022 (Year 9 Sept 2019) YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Autumn 1 Introduction to GCSE Poetry study: 8 weeks (Kamikaze, Ozymandias, London, The Prelude, Last Duchess, Light Brigade, Exposure) Poetry assessment x 2: 1 for Kamikaze, 1 for comparison. Homeworks: spellings for poetry key words; mini-quizzes for each poem studied. Re-cap on Introduction to GCSE English Language Reading: Paper 1 (8 weeks) Recap on Writing (especially Narrative quick win) Mock question after each question to be assessed An Inspector Calls study: 8 weeks An Inspector Calls assessment x 1 Autumn 2 Non-Fiction Writing study: 7 weeks (Letter, Speech, Article, Leaflet) Persuasive skills Writing for purpose and audience DAFORREST Non-fiction assessment x 1: exam practice question. Homeworks: spellings for key words; …….. English Language Reading: Paper 2 (8 weeks) Recap on Writing Mock exams: 2 x Language; 2 x Literature (2 weeks) An Inspector Calls Study: 5 weeks Spring 1 Poetry study: 6 weeks (Storm, Bayonet, Remains, Poppies, War P, Tissue, Emigree, Hisotry) Poetry assessment x 1: 1 for Homeworks: spellings for poetry key words; mini-quizzes for each poem studied; recap quiz on Kamikaze. Unseen Poetry study: 6 weeks Choose poems from: Other Cultures, Love and Relationship, Sonnets, Similar poets to the ones on the P&C cluster e.g. Catrin, Cold Knap Lake, Dulce Et Decorum est etc. Spoken Language assessment: Room 101 Mockeroonies commence English Language carousels? Revision Spring 2 Creative Writing study: 6 weeks - Descriptive: 2 weeks study; 1 week assessment. - Narrative: 2 weeks study, including quick win; 1 week assessment. Homeworks: Macbeth study: 14 weeks Summer 1 A Christmas Carol study: 12 weeks Macbeth assessment x 1 Mock exams: English Lang Summer 2 Mock exam: English Lit (Poetry, Macbeth, ACC) We are here! Click to remove Click to remove
How do the GCSE Grades work in English? Be prepared: MOST colleges or 6th forms require you to achieve a STRONG PASS i.e a Grade 5. Anything lower and you will need to re-take your GCSE English at college.
What do we expect from our GCSE students? Non-negotiables: Exemplary behaviour at all times. Exemplary effort in lessons when attempting all tasks. Exemplary effort in homework including meeting deadlines. Resilience and independent learning. Respect for the students in your class. Respect for your GCSE teacher. Readiness to be accountable for your actions. Attendance at any compulsory revision or intervention sessions. We do not expect to be giving GCSE students Warnings. We certainly do not expect to be giving GCSE students F15 removals.
How do we support you? Clearly planned and prepared lessons in line with GCSE objectives. Variety of tasks. Excellent subject knowledge. Regular and relevant homeworks. Regular and relevant assessments. Regular marking using incisive feedback. Parental contact if required. Providing comprehensive revision booklets. Running intervention and revision sessions. We do not expect to be giving GCSE students Warnings. We certainly do not expect to be giving GCSE students F15 removals.