“I Dream what I paint and I paint what I dream.”- Vincent VanGogh Mrs. Champion angela.champion@anderson.kyschools.us 2019-2020 Anderson County High School Visual Arts WELCOME TO ART! Painting 1 “I Dream what I paint and I paint what I dream.”- Vincent VanGogh COURSE DESCRIPTION This class is an introductory painting course. You will be introduced to techniques in various painting mediums and create original paintings that exhibits your own artistic expression. You will learn the process of painting from idea formation, learning various techniques, independent painting, and reflecting on your painting. EXPECTATIONS Act Responsibly Respect Yourself, Others, and Materials Try Your Best Imagination is Key Stay in Your Seat Talk at Appropriate Voice Levels GRADES Major Projects/Test 50% Daily Participation 30% Final Exam 20% 20% 50% 30% CLASSROOM PROCEDURES CLASS MATERIALS Pencils Pink Eraser Ruler Cover Up Shirt Start of Class Studio Time End of class Be on Time Find your seat Get Materials Out and do Warm Ups Follow instructions Time Management Work Hard Ask questions Clean up the last 5 minutes of class. Stay seated Take work home if needed.
Turning In Assignments Mrs. Champion angela.champion@anderson,kyschools.us 2019-2020 Class Fees There will be a class fee of $10.00 to be paid to Anderson County High School. This fee is to cover any class materials you will have while in this class. Turning In Assignments Assignments are expected to be turned in on the due date that is set by the teacher. You will photograph your work, upload it to your SeeSaw online art portfolio under the assignment. Your name must be visible in the lower left hand corner of the project. You will also physically turn it in the turn trays with your name on it and with a scoring rubric. You will also be expected to keep a sketchbook and will recieve participation points for your work. Missing Work For students who have missing work that is past the due date of a project, the project will be marked missing in Infinite Campus unless the student has excused absences. If you have excused absences, the project will be marked incomplete until you turn it in. After that you will receive original credit for the project. If you have missing work with unexcused absences you may still turn in your work past a due date but you will recieve points deducted off of the grade. CELL PHONE POLICY Your cell phones are a privilege in this class. They will be allowed during independent work time only (Studio Time). You are to use them to research ideas, topics, or images appropriate for class. You may listen to music, but with earbuds only. You may not be on Netflix, games, or social media. You may not text unless you have permission. If your cell phone or device is out at inappropriate times or are causing a distraction they will be put up while in class. Corrective Consequences If you violate the above expectations you will receive: A verbal warning Loss of participation Points Change of seat and/or loss of free seating day. Disciplinary Referral Early Finishers If you are finished early you free draw, do homework, or read. Do not get out of your seat and wander around and distract others.
Your Signature Page For you: Mrs. Champion angela.champion@anderson,kyschools.us 2019-2020 Your Signature Page For you: I understand Mrs. Champion’s classroom policies and expectations on this syllabus __________________________________________. For your parent/guardian: I understand Mrs. Champion’s classroom policies and expectations on this syllabus _________________________________________. Date: _____________________ *** Turn in by due date listed in class.