Lambeth Alumni Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Lambeth Alumni Meeting 18th June 2019

Quality in Careers Standard Continuous improvement Reviewing progress on recommendations from assessor’s reports prepared May – December 2018. What were the recommendations in your report? Some sample comments from Lambeth…. Review the new IiC website, in preparation for reassessment in three years’ time. The standards have recently been reviewed and updated to incorporate Gatsby and the new National Standards. Although much will be familiar to you, it will be useful to know how the award is now structured, as you continue to review practice and collect evidence over the reassessment period.

Recommendations (cont) Some school alumni would be great role models for current students, (eg the graduate with a First in Maths, and the female Civil Engineer)) especially for widening horizons and countering stereotyping – by inviting them to input to the careers programme, this resource could be useful more systematically. Support the Work Experience Co-Ordinator with plans to develop a WEX diary to ensure consistency with other systems for recording students’ career management skills and progress.

Recommendations (cont.) The introduction of an on-line tool like ULAS or PixlEdge would allow a consistent and progressive approach to student profiling, and monitoring career learning, through each Year group. This would need careful planning, piloting, briefing of staff and evaluation of impact. Consider a range of methods for inviting feedback from parents, for example, on-line surveys (eg Survey Monkey), via Parent Pupil committee meetings (Friends?), or verbally at Parents’ Evenings may capture a wider spread of useful qualitative and quantitative data. Use the school newsletter to communicate to parents and other stakeholders about the structure of the careers programme and to signpost them to look at the strategy uploaded on the website.

Recommendations (cont.) Further development of 1:1 guidance opportunities for students in all Key Stages. Whilst the careers team works exceptionally well together, I am concerned that if the makeup of the team was changed for example if one left and a new team ethos had to be fostered it could have a detrimental effect on the efficacy of the team. I feel that formalization of the centralised tracking and staff procedures/roles could be collated into a departmental handbook or flow chart. Continue to raise the profile of apprenticeships.

Other continuous improvement strategies Maintaining CPD – CDI Monthly email, Career Leader Handbook and Trotmans CLH portal Quality assurance of personal guidance interventions Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating provision and reporting to stakeholders. Other?