Drilling Technology
AECOM hires drilling contractors for: Purpose AECOM hires drilling contractors for: Geotechnical sampling Environmental remediation Other projects Drilling Contractors use various drilling technologies Auger Direct Push Sonic Rotary Cable Tool Ivy Station, Culver City, California
After completing this course you should be able to: Objective After completing this course you should be able to: Explain the function of different drill rigs Identify and define drill rig parts Describe drill rig hazards Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Drill Rigs Mobilization: Size range Track-based Truck vehicles Large (100 ton) Medium (used in buildings) Small (hand-moved) Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Connects the drill rig power source to the drill stem Drill Rig – Key Parts Connects the drill rig power source to the drill stem Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Extends the drill stem for deeper drilling Drill Rig – Key Parts Extends the drill stem for deeper drilling Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Levels the rig so the drill stem advances perpendicular to the ground Drill Rig – Key Parts Levels the rig so the drill stem advances perpendicular to the ground Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Powers drilling equipment (not found on all rig types) Drill Rig – Key Parts Powers drilling equipment (not found on all rig types) Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Drill Rig – Key Parts Moves the drilling unit (motors, pulleys, masts, etc.) backwards or forwards Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Secondary switches may be located elsewhere on the rig Drill Rig – Key Parts Control panel Contains the switches and gauges used to monitor or control the drilling process Emergency kill switch Located on the control panel and used to cut power to the drilling mechanism Secondary switches may be located elsewhere on the rig Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Raises and lowers the drill rods, auger flights, sampling tools, etc. Drill Rig – Key Parts Raises and lowers the drill rods, auger flights, sampling tools, etc. Ivy Station, Culver City, California
A cylinder shaped drum that uses friction on a rope to lift items Drill Rig – Key Parts A cylinder shaped drum that uses friction on a rope to lift items Not all drill rigs have catheads. Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Outriggers/leveling jacks Crushing hazard Cable hoist system Drill Rig – Hazards Outriggers/leveling jacks Crushing hazard Cable hoist system Rotational hazard Cut scrape hazard Drill rods Deck engine Fire/burn hazard Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Auger drilling uses a helical screw to lift earth out of the borehole Two types of auger drilling Solid Stem (SSA) Hollow Stem (HSA) Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Solid Stem Augers – Key Parts Metal strip welded onto the solid stem that lifts the soil out of the borehole Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Solid Stem Augers – Key Parts Breaks up soil or rock Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Solid Stem Augers – Key Parts Enables drilling and sampling while continually casing the borehole as augers are advanced Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Solid Stem Augers – Key Parts Prevents soil from entering the hollow stem auger Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Solid Stem Augers – Key Parts Rod inside hollow stem that connects to the removable plug Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Auger Drilling – Key Parts A standard penetration test (SPT) hammer is used to drive a split-spoon sampler into the soil The hammer can be an automatic hammer or hammer operated off the cathead Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Auger Drilling – Key Parts Uses hydraulic power to break and turn the drilling rod Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Auger Drilling – Hazards Standard penetration test hammer Pinching/crushing hazard Cathead Rotational/pinching hazard Spinning augers/drill rod Rotational hazard Breakout wrenches Pinching hazard Leveling jacks Crushing hazard Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Advances the drill string by hydraulically pushing or hammering Direct Push Advances the drill string by hydraulically pushing or hammering Direct push uses two methods Percussion hammer Cone penetration testing (CPT) Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push Percussion Hammer – Key Parts Rod sections used to push sampling tools Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push Percussion Hammer – Key Parts Raise / lower push rods or sampling tools Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push Percussion Hammer – Key Parts Raise / lower push rods or sampling tools Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push Percussion Hammer – Key Parts Advances push rod into the ground Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push Percussion Hammer – Key Parts Provides a counter balance when pulling push rods out of the borehole Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push with Cone Penetration Testing A CPT device is a cylindrical probe with a cone-shaped tip with sensors CPT probes measure the stress on the tip, the sleeve friction, and the pore water pressure The data is read by a field computer that displays it in real-time and stores it at regular depth intervals Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push with Cone Penetration Testing - Key Parts Onboard Computer Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push with Cone Penetration Testing - Key Parts Advances the tool string by applying a hydraulic ram against the weight or mass of the vehicle Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push with Cone Penetration Testing - Key Parts Pipe sections used to push sampling tool into the ground Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Direct Push – Hazards Winch lines Cuts/scrapes hazard Hydraulic hammer and ram Noise hazard Drop hammer (if equipped) Pinching/crushing hazard Mast foot Crushing hazard Leveling jacks Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Sonic Drilling Sends high frequency resonant vibrations down the drill string to the drill bit Resonance magnifies the amplitude of the drill bit, which fluidizes the soil at the bit face The weight of the drill head pushes the drill stem into the ground Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Sonic – Key Parts Contains oscillators that produce high frequency sinusoidal force along the axis of drill pipe Rotates drill pipe Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Sonic – Key Parts Pipe is used as both drill pipe and casing Typically use 6” outer casing and 4” inner sampling barrel Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Sonic – Key Parts Uses opposing hydraulic controlled wrenches to break joints Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Sonic Drilling – Hazards Drill pipe Rotational hazard Breakout wrench Pinching hazard Leveling jacks Crushing hazard Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary (Water, Mud, or Air) A rotating drill bit penetrates the formation to loosen earth Cuttings are removed by circulating drilling fluid or air past the bit and pumping it out of the borehole Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary – Key Parts Connection for the drill rod and fluid/air pipe Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary – Key Parts Turns drill bit and delivers fluid or air Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary – Key Parts Delivers fluid or air past bit and up into settling pit Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary – Key Parts Allows particles to settle out Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary – Key Parts Can be a roller bit, button, bit, or down-hole hammer Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Rotary - Hazards Deck engine Fire/burns hazard Drilling rod Rotational hazard Wrenches Pinching hazard Leveling jacks Crushing hazard Settling pit Slips/trips/falls hazard Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool The drill bit is lifted and dropped to loosen the material in the borehole Cuttings are produced by repeated lifting and dropping of the drill bit Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Raises, lowers, and spins the drill bit Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Includes swivel socket, drill stem, and bit Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Provides up / down motion of drilling cable and tool string Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Powers the rig Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Drilling cable runs over this Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool – Key Parts Assists upward lifting of tool string Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Cable Tool - Hazards Crown sheave Pinching hazard Cut/scrape hazard Tool string Crushing hazard Engine Fire/burn hazard Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Drilling Accessories Concrete saw Used to cut concrete or asphalt prior to drilling Shovel Used to clear soil cuttings Drum dolly Used to move 55 gallon drums filled with soil or water Steam cleaner Used to decontaminate drilling equipment Pipe wrench Used to connect (disconnect) sections of drill rod Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Common Drilling Problems Drilling refusal The drill rig or sampling tool cannot penetrate to the desired depth Heaving sands The drill bit penetrates a well-graded saturated sand layer Layer has sufficient hydraulic head Causes pressurized wet sands to "heave" up inside the auger/drill stem Prevents the well from being set at the right depth Ivy Station, Culver City, California
Drilling Selection Method Ivy Station, Culver City, California