The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966. HARYANA AT A GLANCE The State of Haryana came into existence on 1st November, 1966. Geographical Area (GA) 4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) Cultivable Area (CA) 3.757 m ha (85.0% of GA) Cultivated Area 3.64 m ha (96.9% of CA) _____________________________________________________ Gross Cropped Area 6.351 m ha Cropping Intensity 185% Irrigated Area 3.069 m ha (84 %) Canal Irrigation 1.283 m Ha (42.8%) Groundwater Irrigation 1.784 m Ha (57.2%) Under-ground Water 54 % brackish Farming Families 16.17 lac (2011 Census) Marginal Farmers 7.78 lac (48.1%) (own 3.61 lac ha – 9.9%) Small Farmers 3.15 lac (19.5%) (own 4.63 lac ha – 12.8%) Others 5.24 lac (32.4%) (own 28.21 lac ha – 77.3%) ___________________________________________________ 2
ACHIEVEMENTS Krishi Karman Award two times in a row for performance under Wheat during 2010-11 and 2011-12. Commendation award for sustained productivity of Wheat and Rice during 2012-13. 2nd largest contributor of food grains to central pool. State has contributed 112.94 lac MT of food grains during the year 2012-13. 1st in Basmati Rice export. More than 55% is exported from Haryana. The production of Rice has broken all the records during the year 2013-14 with the highest production at 39.98 lac MT since the inspection of the State. Department of Agriculture has made efforts to replace the Sathi Paddy and now we are cultivating about 75 thousand hectares of Summer Moong which was recorded during the year 2012-13. The production and productivity of Cotton has also been achieved at its record at 26.21 lac bales and 739 kg. per hectare (Lint) during the year 2011-12. 3
Other Achievements The state has also recorded its highest productivity of Mustard in the country at 18.69 qtls. per hectare during the year 2010-11. The productivity of Bajra during the year 2011-12 was also highest in the country at 20.40 qtls. per hectare. The prices of Sugar Cane at Rs. 301/-, 295/- and 290/- per qtl. for late , mid and early sown varieties are also one of the highest in the country. Village level fertility maps prepared. 18.97 soil health cards have been distributed to the farmers so far and our state is a model state in the country by mapping soil fertility for each village. Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (MANIS) and Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) have been implemented in the state in 4 districts and 27 blocks respectively. An amount of Rs. One lac cash prize to the farmers for the highest productivity of major crop is being given. An amount of Rs. 10 lac is also given to the best agriculture village of each district of the state. Pioneer in Zero Technology. DSR being promoted in a big way. Relay cropping of Wheat in Cotton being promoted.
(Units in Lac MT) 6
COMMENDATION AWARD For sustained productivity of Wheat and Rice (2012-13)
CHALLENGES 1. Depletion of Ground-water Resources 54% Ground-water brackish. Annual Depletion is 33 cm in Fresh Water Zone. 68 out of 124 (55%) Blocks are over-exploited. 2. Sustainability of Soil Saline & Water-logged Soil (50,000 Ha Critically water logged). Alkaline Soil (1.83 lac Ha). Deficiency of Micro-nutrients & Secondary Nutrients. Poor Organic Carbon. Stubble Burning of Wheat Paddy.
3. Small Land Holdings 10.93 lac Small & Marginal Farming Families which account for 67.60% of total farming families. Land Holdings are not viable. 4. Increasing Cost of Cultivation Increase in cost of inputs. Increase in labour charges. Shortage of labour 5. Inadequate Post Harvest Management 6. Climatic Change
MONTH-WISE RAINFALL 111.8 67.1 66.6 63.4 60.5 4.8 Total 340.0 532.1 (in mm) 2012-13 2013-14 Month Actual Normal Departure (%age) Departure (%age) April 8.6 7.2 19.4 1.8 -75.0 May 1.1 13.9 -92.0 1.7 -87.8 June 1.6 51.0 -96.9 77.0 July 72.0 180.4 -60.1 110.3 -38.9 August 184.6. 190.9 -3.3 189.9 -0.5 Sept. 72.1 88.7 -18.7 38.4 -56.7 Total 340.0 532.1 -36.1 419.1 -21.2 Oct. 17.4 -93.7 18.8 8.0 Nov. 0.4 4.9 -91.8 -65.3 Dec. 4.1 -43.1 3.7 -48.6 Jan. 28.0 20.8 34.6 23.1 11.1 Feb. 78.2 16.8 365.5 16.1 (Up to 17th ) 10.2 57.8 111.8 67.1 66.6 63.4 60.5 4.8
RABI CROPS PRODUCTION Crop 2012-13 2013-14 (anticipated) Area Yield Area in ‘000’ ha Prod. in ‘000’ tonnes Yield Kg. per ha Crop 2012-13 2013-14 (anticipated) Area Yield Prod. Wheat 2497 4452 11117 2490 4952 12330 Gram 47 1128 53 103 1145 118 Barley 48 3479 167 51 3900 199 Rabi Pulses 5 1000 12 1100 13 S. Moong 73 625 46 93 753 70 Total Rabi Food-grain 2670 4265 11388 2749 4630 12730 Rabi Oilseeds 559 1721 962 548 1800 986 Sun-flower 6 2167 15 1700 26 Sugarcane 101 73634 7437 102 73000 7446
KHARIF CROPS 2013 & 2014 Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hects. Production in 000 tonnes/bales 170 kgs of each. Sr. No Crops 2013 2014 (Targets) Area Av. Yield Prod. 1. Rice 1228 3256 3998 1150 3350 3852 2. Jowar 72 550 40 80 525 42 3. Maize 9 3000 27 50 2800 140 4. Bajra 404 2057 831 610 1950 1190 5. Kh. Pulses 18 850 15 60 1050 63 Total Kharif Food-grains 1731 2837 4911 2711 5287 6. Sugarcane 102 73000 7446 110 8030 7. Cotton 564 608 2017 600 760 2682 8. Kh. Oilseeds 7 750 5 10 900 9. Guar 481 767 369 300 1300 390
INITIATIVES DSR in rice being promoted. Summer Moong being promoted. Farm Mechanization and micro irrigation systems are extended. Dhaincha seed promoted for green manuring. Kisan Melas at each district HQ. Farmers Training Camps and exposure visits at each block. Farmers Field Schools (FFSs). Relay cropping of wheat in cotton initiated. Krishi Samvad magazine Free of Cost in all the villages. State level Kisan Mela.
STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF KHARIF CROPS (2014) RICE Focus would be to reduce the area of Rice to shift towards other alternate crops. Focus on Hybrid seeds of coarse Rice . Focus on DSR in Basmati Rice (50% area). Paddy transplanters will be provided on subsidized rate. COTTON Bt. Cotton is covering more than 95% area. Drip Irrigation System would be trialed in some areas (1000 ha). Relay Cropping of Wheat in Cotton will be promoted (1500 ha). Special emphasis would be given towards Weed Management. Preventive Measures would be adopted in advance for the control of CLCV. Trainings , FFS and IPM Programs will be promoted.
Maize Bajra Sugar Cane 50000 ha area would be covered during 2013-14 . Benefits from the CDP will be given to the farmers. Farmers will be motivated through training programs. More efforts would be made to divert from Rice to Maize. Bajra Hybrid varieties for rain fed and irrigated areas having good yield potential will be promoted. Sugar Cane State Advised Price at Rs. 301/-, 295/- and 290/- for Early, Mid and Late sown varieties (one of highest in the country). Ring Pit System being promoted. An amount of Rs. 8000/- per acre as an incentive is given to the farmers for the Ring Pit Method.
OTHER STRATEGIES Package of practices Advisories Contingent Plan Workshop of Kharif campaign will be organized in the coming week time in SAU. All packages of practices will be finalized and would be extended to the field functionaries for the use of farmers. Advisories Crop and Area specific advisories as per the situation will be prepared by the Department in consultation with CCSHAU, Hisar and will be disseminated to field functionaries for the use of farmers. Contingent Plan In each season, for Kharif also a contingent plan is prepared and sent to the DDAs for further implementation in the fields for the use of farmers. This year also the contingent plan has already prepared.
SEEDS Qty. in qtls. Crop Req. 2014 Availability HSDC Kribhco IFFCO NSC SFCI HAFED Pvt. Total Paddy 73950 6230 310 2780 10195 173228 192744 46412 Cotton 500 866 1366 689 Bajra 19200 489 862 20 20532 21903 9052 Maize 12825 1796 250 17 7733 1060 10671 13943 Khrif pulses 14 800 50 850 110 Kharif Oil seeds 2650 2998 3152 9050 236 4125 5000 9361 20755 27 lac packets of Bt cotton seed during 2013 whereas 32 lac packets for 2014. There will be no shortage of seeds.
SEED REPLACEMENT RATE (SRR) Percent CROP 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (Target) Paddy 24.39 25.19 25.01 25.20 28.00 Bajra 73.32 89.04 79.37 80.50 83.00 Cotton 95.03 93.82 95.14 93.25 95.00
FERTILIZERS Kharif 2013 Kharif 2014 UREA 8.50 9.45 8.10 DAP 3.00 4.03 (Lac MT) Kharif 2013 Kharif 2014 Fertilizer Requirement Availability Consumption UREA 8.50 9.45 8.10 DAP 3.00 4.03 1.63 2.00 MOP 0.25 0.12 0.15 NPK 0.35 0.08 0.04 SSP 0.37 0.037 0.75 Hafed is being advised to procure urea & DAP for advance Stocking. Monitoring of fertilizers on day-to-day basis. Balanced use of fertilizers will be promoted. Hafed has stocked 0.40 lac MT urea and 1.40 lac MT DAP
PROMOTION OF FARM MECHANIZATION UNDER RKVY/NFSM/CDP/ISOPOM STATE PLAN S. No. Name of the Implement Target Subsidy 1 Zero till seed drill 2020 Rs.15000-20000 or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 2 Happy Seeder 100 Rs.20000 or 50 % of cost whichever is less 3 Seed drill 1800 Rs.15000 or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 4 Rotavator 2210 Rs.20000-30000 or 50 % of the cost whichever is less 5 Lazer levelers 700 Rs.20000-150000 or 50 % of cost whichever is less 6 Sub soiler 500 Rs.5000 or 50 % of cost whichever is less 7 Multi crop planter 8 Mulcher 20 9 Straw Baler 10 Tractor Mounted Sprayer 3000 Rs.10000 or 50 % of cost whichever is less
SOIL HEALTH IMPROVEMENT Soil Health Card 18.97 lakh Soil Health Cards distributed so far. Micro Nutrient Subsidy Supply of Micro-nutrients on 75% subsidy. Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratories All 34 laboratories will be upgraded within 2 years. 21 Soil Testing Laboratories equipped for micro-nutrients testing 3 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories are functioning. 1.50 lakh Soil Samples analyzed annually for Micro-nutrients. Application of Gypsum Gypsum on 60% subsidy to mitigate Sulphur Deficiency. Green Manuring to be promoted Supply of Dhaincha Seed on 50 % subsidy. An area of 4.25 lakh hect. brought under Green Manuring since 2007-08. 50,000 hect. area targeted for the ensuing season. Use of Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Bio-fertilizers to be conducted. Bio-fertilizers on 50% subsidy. 23
Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of water and plant protection chemical Water Management Promotion of Underground Pipelines (UGPL) Subsidy @ 50 % of the cost or Rs.60,000 per beneficiary for UGPL. Plan to bring 38000 ha. area under the system. Provision of Rs.48.00 crore made for UGPL. Promotion of Sprinkler Irrigation Subsidy @ 50 % of the cost up to 5 ha. per beneficiary on Sprinklers. An area of 48000 ha. targeted under Sprinkler Irrigation during 2013-14. Provision of Rs.42.00 crore made for the purpose. Promotion of Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation in 1000 ha. of sugarcane & cotton proposed to be covered.
IMPACT OF UGPL Saves about 15% to 20% water and improves crop productivity. Saves energy, reduces operational cost. Water carried directly to fields. Upto 2% additional area under open field channels brought under cultivation. Prevents seepage and evaporation losses.
UGPL ISI Marked HDPE/PVC Pipes are laid at one meter depth. Subsidy @ 50% or maximum Rs. 60,000 per beneficiary. 26
LASER LAND LEVELER (Introduced in 2007-08) Water Saving 15-20%. Leads to uniform irrigation. Reduces consumption of fertilizer and pesticides 18-20%. Saving in Electricity and Diesel. Desired slope can be maintained to drain out the excess water in heavy rainfall areas. Increase in irrigated area/command area. 27
PROMOTION OF DSR Water Saving in DSR (CIMMYT Report) 28 Basmati Varieties 21 to 31 % Non-Basmati 22 % Hybrids 20 to 25 % 28
DSR Paddy 29
PLANT PROTECTION CHEMICALS. 4050 MT of PP Chemicals were ensured during 2013-14. Whereas 4200 MT PP Chemicals are planned for 2014-15. PLANT PROTECTION EQUIPMENTS 16,000 nos. manually operated spray pumps (knap Sack sprayers) will be provided. Subsidy @ 50 % of the cost or Rs.600 per spray pump. 1300 nos. power operated spray pumps to be provided. Subsidy @ Rs.2000 per power operated spray pump. 1500 nos. tractor mounted sprayers on 50% cost or maximum limit upto Rs.10,000 per sprayer.
QUALITY CONTROL MECHANISM Four State Pesticides Testing Laboratories located at Karnal, Rohtak, Sirsa & Panchkula with annual analysis capacity of 1100 each samples annually . However, State Pesticides Testing Laboratory, Panchkula is yet to become fully functional. Three Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratories located at Karnal, Rohtak & Hisar with annual analysis capacity of 5,100 samples. Two notified State Seed Testing Laboratory situated at Karnal & Sirsa. Each has annual analysis capacity of 10,000 samples. Action are taken against defaulters as per provisions of relevant Act, Order and Rules. Distribution of fertilizers is effected in State through 2276 institutional and 6864 private, insecticides through 956 institutional and 8421 private and seed through 8,393 outlets.
INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT (INM) Green Manuring with Dhaincha Crop promoted Supply of Dhaincha Seed on highly subsidized rate. An area of 4.25 lakh hect. brought under Green Manuring since 2007-08. Soil Health Cards 18.97 lakh Soil Health Cards distributed. Micro Nutrient Subsidy Micro-nutrients specially Zinc Sulphate supplied on 75 % subsidy. Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratories 21 Soil Testing Laboratories equipped for micro-nutrients testing All 34 laboratories will be upgraded . 1.50 lakh Soil Samples analyzed annually for Micro-nutrients. Application of Gypsum Gypsum on 60% subsidy to mitigate Sulphur Deficiency. Use of Bio-fertilizers Demonstration on Bio-fertilizers to be conducted. Bio-fertilizers on 50% subsidy.
NFSM Component 2012-13 Allocation 2013-14 Allocation Unspent balance (Rs. In Lac) Component 2012-13 Allocation 2013-14 Allocation Unspent balance Release Total Exp. Wheat 2379.14 9624 2228.74 2324.98 2322 (97.09%) 2457.46 Pulses 737.24 42.34 696.18 738.52 737 (96.26%) 1795.00 A3P 964.00 99.00 624.00 723 666 (92.16%) 1354.00 Additional 1104.00 - 320.00 (29%) 1000.00 5184.38 9765.34 4652.92 4890.5 4045 (83%) 6606.46
ALLOCATION & UTILIZATION OF FUNDS RKVY Rs. in lac Year Allocation Actual released by GOI Utilization Submission of UCs % Utilization of Funds 2007-08 & 2008-09 6103.00 6102.03 100 2009-10 11277.00 2010-11 22680.00 2011-12 17687.20 16749.68 94.69 2012-13 20949.00 17988.00 16479.73 91.62 2013-14 33057.00 15929.00 8432.92 52.94
ISOPOM Component 2012-13 2013-14 Rs. in lac Allocation 722.94 512.05 Funds made available (Unspent + Fresh release) 798.88 324.5948 Funds utilized 688.47 (86.23%) 432.00 Booked Unspent 110.42 -
PROMOTION OF FODDER CROPS Fodder crops are being promoted under Accelerated Fodder Development Programme. Rs. 11.89 crore was utilized during the 2012-13. Projects amounting Rs. 15.16 crore sanctioned by SLSC, Rs. 5 crore allocated by GOI, Rs. 3.11 crore unspent (2012-13). Provision of Rs. 8.11 crore is kept for the year 2013-14. Kits contains inputs like seed, fungicide, micro-nutrients and PP chemicals. Fodder production kits of Barseem, Oat, Maize (dual purpose) & Sorghum will be distributed to the farmers in an area of 41,000 acres, 1900 acres, 10,000 acres & 37,000 acres respectively with an financial assistance of Rs. 3200 per hectare. 37
POWER CANAL WATER Lac units per day cusec 38 Month 2012-13 Actual consumption 2013-14 supplied % increased/ decreased over 2011 October 536 518 (-)3.36 November 428 377 (-) 11.91 December 445 476 6.97 January 392.79 392.89 0.03 CANAL WATER cusec Month 2012-13 2013-14 Bhakhra WJC Total October 1647.67 1369.00 3016.67 1647.90 1373.00 3020.90 November 1660.95 1367.22 3028.17 1638.15 1360.22 2998.37 December 1637.00 1360.00 2997.00 1664.00 1365.00 3029.00 January 1622.00 1337.00 2959.00 1599.00 1331.00 2930.00 Power & Canal water supply will be ensured during Kharif season 2014 also. 38
CREDIT Year-wise flow of ground level credit for agriculture and allied activities for the year 2008-09 to 2013-14 in respect of Haryana State Rs. in crore Agency 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 as on Dec. 2013 Coop. Banks 4439.86 5484.54 6420.15 7844.41 8872.29 8351.00 RRBs 1471.25 1936.00 2400.26 3228.49 3932.07 4029.00 Commercial Banks 7338.69 14429.00 17116.07 22339.33 25133.48 25231.00 Other agencies 951.42 350.46 388.02 417.15 328.56 -NA- Total 14201.22 22200.00 26324.50 33829.38 38266.40 37611.00 39
PROMOTION OF FARM IMPLEMENTS 500 Laser Land Levelers targeted to be distributed on subsidy in 2013-14. Subsidy @Rs.50,000/- per machine. Happy Seeder - sowing of Wheat crop after harvesting of Paddy crop in standing stubbles. Cost around Rs 100000/- Rotavators help in better decomposition of crop residue & saves fuel and labour.. Subsidy @ 50% of the cost or Rs.30,000/- per machine. 5,00 Straw Reapers will be distributed on subsidy. Subsidy @Rs.40,000/- per machine. 40
Contingent Plan in the Event of Aberrant South –West Monsoon. More electricity will be ensured to Farm Sector. Canal water supply will be ensured as per requirement. WBCIS extended in 27 blocks. Mini kits of Pulses and Oilseed crops shall be ensured. Varieties /crop specific with other desired and required inputs will be planned in consultation with CCSHAU. Toria and Burseen seed shall be provided to the farmers. Specific advisories shall be disseminated in due time to the farmers. Norms for the damage of crops have been improved from Rs. 5000/- to 10000/- per acre. The contingent plan prepared by MOA, GOI and our SAU will be used. Special Disaster Management Camps will be organized.
Marketing interventions to ensure remunerative prices of pulses, oil seeds and coarse cereals The market prices of pulses and oilseeds are above MSP. Wheat and Rice are procured for central pool. HAFED and other Govt./Pvt. Agencies are effectively procuring Wheat, Rice and produce of other crops as per situation and requirement. Publicity of guidelines of GOI/NAFED is being done jointly by Department and HAFED. APMC act is being amended. There will be no problem in procuring the Pulses, Oilseeds and Coarse cereals as per requirement and situation as MSP announced by GOI. Sufficient markets with all facilities within a reach of 8-10 K.M. from every villages.
ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Development of Yellow Rust Resistant and Terminal Heat Tolerant varieties for wheat. Frost resistant varieties of Mustard . All districts should be included under NFSM (Wheat). Procurement of Summer Moong on MSP by Govt. agencies should be ensured. Infrastructure for R&D on climate change in SAUs needs to be strengthened. Premium on Crop Insurance Schemes for the farmers should be reduced. 41
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