We already know… Not enough people are talking about their advance care planning. 90% of people believe it is important to discuss end of life care with loved ones, but only 30% have done so. According to a 2017 journal article, fewer than 13% of patients 65+ admitted to UNC’s ED had Advance Care Documents available to them. According to a 2018 study, 70% of patients lack advance directives before elective surgery. Only 16% had one on file in their electronic medical record (EMR) where a clinician could access it at the time of surgery.
Documentation of wishes is often not accessible when needed. Many people store them in lock boxes or other inaccessible – or forgotten -- locations.
If ACP is not being done, and the documentation is not accessible, why do we continue to encourage people to do it? Recent literature and published studies confirm the importance of advance care planning for everyone involved: the individual/patient; their family; and health care providers.
So, now that you are one of the 30% who has completed an advance directive, now what? Mind My Health is the “next step” for people who have completed their advance directives.
Our Goals Develop an online platform that makes AD available at the point of care Increase the number of people who discuss and complete an AD and share it with loved ones Work with healthcare systems to transfer an AD stored on the platform into the electronic health record
Our Progress 2017-2018: The Duke Endowment funded the launch of this project Initiated development with at UNC, and completed with companies in Durham 2019: We have built a free, consumer-facing, universally-accessible online tool that securely stores and manages an individual’s AD, and gives them the ability to share access to it with designated family, friends and professionals. The hope is that with technology partners, individuals affiliated with participating health networks will be able to integrate their AD directly into their EHR at the point of care.
Let’s try it. https://www.mindmyhealth.org Create An Account: Click “Start Now” Complete Information, Agree to Terms and Conditions Click “Sign Up” Select a Provider (or use Dropdown for additional list or write-in your Network) Click “Submit” If you have a plan, great. If you need a template, download it. Click Go To Dashboard. Upload Document: Go to Dashboard Click “Upload Your File” Address the Questions being asked. Select document Respond to request to share document Let’s try it.
Contact Mind My Health Marsha Van Hecke marsha@mindmyhealth.org 828-817-1053 https://www.mindmyhealth.org Create An Account: Click “Start Now” Complete Information, Agree to Terms and Conditions Click “Sign Up” Select a Provider (or use Dropdown for additional list or write-in your Network) Click “Submit” If you have a plan, great. If you need a template, download it. Click Go To Dashboard. Upload Document: Go to Dashboard Click “Upload Your File” Address the Questions being asked. Select document Respond to request to share document