Training on joint doctoral studies


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Presentation transcript:

Training on joint doctoral studies Glossary Melita Kovacevic University of Zagreb Reforming Doctoral Studies in Montenegro and Albania Banská Bystrica, October 3-4, 2019

Programme was introduced by the Commission in the 1976/77 academic year pursuant the first Action Programme in the field of education, adopted by the Council and the Ministers of Education in 1976.

The grants are intended to foster the lasting cooperation between institutions of higher education from different Member States with a view to the joint development of courses of study or parts of such courses.

The aim is: - students are to spend a recognised, integrated and considerable part of their course in at least one of the partner institutions in another Member State, and/or   - parts of regular courses in each institution are to be taught by staff members from at least one institution from another Member State, and/or - courses or parts of courses are to be jointly planned for introduction into the regular programmes at all the participating institutions, even where no staff or student mobility is involved. TOGETHER

JOINT DOCTORAL STUDIES To promote international, intersectoral and multi/inter-disciplinary collaboration in doctoral-level training in Europe through the creation of joint doctoral programmes, leading to the delivery of joint, double or multiple doctoral degrees

Joint Doctorate - early stage researchers will pursue a doctoral degree awarded by at least two higher education institutions, who share the responsibilities of supervising, coordinating and examining a researcher's work.

Co-tutelle is an agreement on joint supervision on the doctoral degree level. The programme originated in France, hence the term cotutelle (as in co-tutoring). Such agreements can be entered into between the two cooperating institutions, the PhD candidate and the candidate's supervisors. The cotutelle agreement regulates enrolment, supervision and the evaluation of the candidate's doctoral degree dissertation. A cotutelle agreement must always be entered into on the individual level, but institutional agreements can also be made on cotutelle cooperation. The candidate receives a diploma from each of the institutions.

higher education institutions offering an integrated Joint degree: a single diploma issued by at least two higher education institutions offering an integrated programme and recognised officially in the countries where the degree- awarding institutions are located

Double or multiple degree: two or more separate national diplomas issued by two or more higher education institutions and recognised officially in the countries where the degree- awarding institutions are located

MANDATORY Joint governance Main characteristics: Joint governance Joint structure with joint admission and selection Joint supervision Joint monitoring Joint assessment MANDATORY

INSTITUTIONAL JOINT CO-TUTELLE DOCTORAL STUDY INSTITUTIONAL HOME Institutional Level 1 diploma 1 thesis/defense JOINT MIN 2 INSTITUTIONS International Institutional Level 1 diploma 1 thesis/defense CO-TUTELLE INSTITUTIONS SUPERVISORS CANDIDATE International Individual Level 2 diplomas 1 thesis/defense

Thank you Hvala Faleminderit