Latin American Revolutions Early 19th Century
Haiti (1791-1804) During Colonial times, Haiti was controlled by France. Most were African slaves. In 1791, 100,000 slaves led a revolt against their French masters They were led by Toussaint L’Ouverture. By 1801, he had freed the entire slave population Haiti gained independence in 1804. Haiti became the first black colony to earn freedom.
History-11/2 Name 2 things Napoleon did to help France What was Napoleon’s biggest mistake? What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna? Who was the main spokesman and what political ideology was he?
Latin American Colonial Society Society divided: Peninsulares-top of society (people born in Spain who held high colonial government positions) Creoles-Spaniards born in Latin America (could not hold high gov. office)-below Peninsulares. Mestizos, mulattos, slaves, and Indians
South America Independence (1811-1824) Creoles were well-educated and studied Enlightenment ideas. American and French Revolutions inspired them. Led by two Creole generals: Simon Bolivar of Venezuela Jose de San Martin of Argentina Together their armies liberated most of South America from Spain by 1824.
Mexico (1810-1821) Mexico’s independence movement was began by a priest, Miguel Hidalgo. 1810-An Indian and Mestizo army of 80,000 marched on Mexico City. Other rebel leaders helped Mexico In 1821, Mexico gained independence from Spain.
Revolutions Cause & Effect Flow Chart Create a Flow chart that shows the causes and effects of each revolution we have discussed this unit. Also, include any important people involved in each of these revolutions.