Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Europe 1500-1800 “Age of REASON”
What is the Sci. Revolution? New mindset; new view of nature It validated: Use of reason Search for verifiable evidence Development of ways to confirm or disprove hypotheses Importance of math to study nature
Causes Religious authority questioned Renaissance humanism Need for measurement and observation: Example: How much weight can a ship hold? Printing press spreads ideas rapidly
How does this compare to Medieval cosmology? Medieval understanding of natural world = non-mechanical, geocentric worldview Belief that the earth was center of the universe Religious doctrine blended with study of nature (Faith-based reasoning)
The Four Humors Blood Melancholy (Black bile) Choler (Yellow bile) Phlegm If any of the humors are out of balance, you get sick Bleeding, Cupping: cut the veins and drain blood to restore proper balance between the four humors
Science can be systematic, verifiable, progressive, and useful Overall Significance Shapes modern mentality that all knowledge can be based on: Observation Experimentation Rational deduction Science can be systematic, verifiable, progressive, and useful