6th Grade English Ms. Gibbons SUPPLIES Course Information WEBSITES 60% Room: 606 School Phone: 702-799-4560 extension 3606 Email: gibboam@nv.ccsd.net In addition to the supplies suggested by Escobedo Middle School, students need: ✐ Daily Access to Online Materials highlighters/markers, pens, and pencils CONTACT Course Information This one-year course will expand the students’ writing abilities and strengthen their critical thinking skills. All lessons will relate to the process of writing. Grammar and mechanics will be taught as well. Literature will be used to generate, and model learned skills. The focus is on utilizing vocabulary, spelling, thought processes, and strategies to become independent writers and readers. WEBSITES www.escobedoms.com Infinite Campus: www.CCSD.net (parent app is available) Google Classroom (parent access is available) Class Dojo (parent access available) www.homespellingwords.com (grade 6, then list) Summative: Tests, Essays, Projects, Quizzes 60% Formative: Homework, Classwork, Quizzes, Class Participation 40% GRADING © Katie Smith for Knowledge Makes Scholars 2019
TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS HOMEWORK ✐ Students are responsible for ALL of the work if they are absent ✐ All work will be available on Google Classroom, but graded on Infinite Campus ABSENT WORK ✐ Students will be expected to complete 15 minutes of homework per night via Google Classroom ✐ The current spelling list will be assigned every other Monday and will be tested the following Friday (students will have 2 weeks to study for the test) All late work will be accepted up to 10 days after it is assigned. See Infinite Campus for specific dates and deadlines. It is the students’ responsibility to submit the work correctly and complete the work to the best of their ability. LATE WORK TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS Students will be expected to utilize Gmail and Google Classroom to access daily and weekly assignments as well as in-class activities. Students who do not have computer access at home should see me ASAP to make arrangements. Each student will need to sign up for their specific class period in Google Classroom. If a student switches class periods, it is his or her responsibility to add themselves to the Google Classroom of the new class period. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS GOOGLE CLASS CODES Period 1 – 3mc3vi Period 3- 85m07tn (zero) Period 4 – ayiiyo Period 5 – 5ohrjj Period 6 – x6b1dki Parent class- xxjfn2 Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Kind PLAGIARISM & CHEATING Plagiarism can be defined in the following ways: (1) stealing and passing off the ideas or words of another as one’s own (2) using another’s production without crediting the source (3) committing literary theft (4) presenting as new an original idea or product derived from an existing source. Committing plagiarism or cheating is considered a serious offense and can result in a grade of ZERO on the assignment for ALL students involved! COMMUNICATION If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach me through our school email or phone. I will do my best to respond to all communication within 24 hours. © Katie Smith for Knowledge Makes Scholars 2019