Let’s Listen & Discern Guided Facilitation Welcome everyone to today’s Listening & Discernment Experience. I appreciate the time you have all taken to be with us today. Before we start, let’s take time to meet the people in our smaller groups – say hi and introduce yourself.
Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live, and we recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and honour them for their sacrifice and stewardship. We begin with acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we gather on. (Read the acknowledgement of Country)
Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? Today you have come together to discern the question, How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? But before we start – let’s just take a brief moment to see where we have come from and look at where this session will lead us.
individual submissions Where have we come from? Phase 1: Listening & Dialogue Encounters Nationally Archdiocese of Brisbane 2,269 submissions 379 group submissions 1,890 individual submissions In October 2020, the Catholic Church in Australia will gather for the first Plenary Council to be held since the second Vatican Council. In 2018, the entire People of God in Australia began preparing for this historic moment by listening to God, by listening to one another’s stories of faith. More than 222,000 people participated in listening and dialogue encounters and contributed 17,457 submissions during the first stage of preparation for the Australian Plenary Council. The voices of the faithful help all of us to understand something of the historical experience and the current reality of the Catholic Church in Australia. This gathered data also reveals some deeper hopes and questions, and the diverse yearnings, that we are now challenged to consider together. The National Themes for Discernment are inspired by the data and call us toward the future. As we move into this second stage of preparation for the Plenary Council, we continue to seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Additional Statistic: 29% male response 49% Female. (individual responses) Age groups: #1 – 70-74, #2 65-69, #3 50-54, #4 16-19 (individual responses) Of the 12,758 – 143 Identified as First Nation’s People . (individual responses) #2 overall Nationally #4 Nationally #1 Nationally Source: Listen to what the Spirit is saying: Final report for the Plenary Council Phase 1: Listening & Dialogue, July 2019 NCPR
Where are we now? Phase 2: Listening & Discernment Experiences “What is God inviting us to do to enable our transformation - with the grace of the Holy Spirit – into a community of disciples who are journeying together into a deeper intimacy with God.” Archbishop Tim Costelloe SDB When we ask ourselves, therefore, as we have been doing throughout the Plenary Council journey so far, what we believe God is asking of us at this time, we might rephrase it this way: What is God inviting us to do to enable our transformation—with the grace of the Holy Spirit—into a community of disciples who are journeying together into a deeper intimacy with God, and a deeper realisation that because we have the one Father in heaven we are all, without exception, brothers and sisters? Source: Listen to what the Spirit is saying: Final report for the Plenary Council Phase 1: Listening & Dialogue, July 2019 NCPR
National Themes for Discernment The National Themes for Discernment are inspired by the data and call us toward the future. As we move into this second stage of preparation for the Plenary Council, we continue to seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. In coming months, through the discernment process and drawing on the six National Themes for Discernment, we will develop the agenda for the first session of the Plenary Council. This discernment process will involve establishing Discernment and Writing Groups for each National Theme for Discernment. Also, people in faith communities across Australia will be called to participate locally in their own communal Listening and Discernment encounters – just like we are doing today. The fruits of what is discerned during this time will shape the agenda of the first session of Plenary Council in October 2020.
What happens next? Propose 2-3 Emerging Actions Submit to National Discernment & Writing Group Listening & Discernment Experience National Discernment & Writing Group Prepares Draft Papers Papers submitted to Plenary Council People in faith communities across Australia will be called to participate locally in their own communal Listening and Discernment encounters – just like we are doing today. The fruits of what is discerned during this time will shape the agenda of the first session of Plenary Council in October 2020. As part of the Listening & Discernment Experience, your group will be encourage to identify 2-3 emerging actions for the theme being discerned. These actions are them summarized in to a 150 word submission that is sent to the Discernment & Writing Group via the plenary council website In addition to their own research and work, the National Discernment & Writing group will also draw from our submissions as they prepare draft papers for the Plenary Council These papers will form the agenda for the first session of Plenary Council.
Listening & Discernment Experience This is a process of Communal Discernment, rather than individual discernment. As such, we are called to work together as a group. The process you are going to engage with today is built upon the practice of Spiritual Conversations. It is a process of prayer, contemplation, sharing with one another and seeking God’s direction. As the Holy Spirit guides the Church in Australia, all are welcome to participate and discern together Spiritual Conversations is a part of the process of Communal discernment. The practice outlined is drawn from primarily from the Ignatian tradition of the Spiritual Exercises as well as other resources and practices of discernment.
How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? So, lets now take a moment to settle our minds and ourselves before we commence the Listening & Discernment Experience for today.
1 Let’s gather and pray together Lord, You once told us, ‘Just as you did it to one of the least of these, who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ May our eyes be opened to the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and imprisoned. May our minds be freed from the bounds of self-interest, fear and prejudice. May our hearts be moved to recognise and respond to the needs of your people. May we be open to the fruits of your Spirit, so that our thoughts, words and actions can be infused with love, peace, compassion and selflessness. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Either read prayer together or invite a person from the group to pray the prayer.
One person from the group reads the scripture passage aloud. 2 Let’s reflect Listening to Scripture One person from the group reads the scripture passage aloud. After 2 minutes of silence, a second person from the group reads the scripture passage aloud again.
2 Let’s reflect Scripture Passage
What words/phrases are you being drawn to 2 Let’s reflect Individual Silent Reflection During this time of silence, consider the questions below. You may wish to journal, to draw or simply sit quietly with your thoughts. How is God speaking to you in this scripture and all that you have read? What words/phrases are you being drawn to and why? How do you feel? For at least 20 minutes, take time to reflect individually in silence, pray with the Scripture passage you have heard, and reflect on the information about the National Theme for Discernment your group is focused on. During this time of silence, consider the questions below. You may wish to journal, to draw or simply sit quietly with your thoughts. How is God speaking to you in this scripture and all that you have read? What words/phrases are you being drawn to and why? How do you feel?
Let’s share & listen 3 In my prayer today… And I feel… Sharing and Listening, Round 1 In my prayer today… And I feel… 2-3 minutes per person – please keep an eye on time in each group. Remember - one person speaks at a time - this time is for people to share their thoughts Anyone in the group can begin, and the person on their left is the next person to share. Continue clockwise around the circle, until each person in the group has had their turn. Spiritual Conversations This practice of Spiritual Conversations is taken from the Ignatian tradition. It is a part of the Communal discernment process and provides a way for groups of people to listen to God, by listening to one another. It is a way for us to listen to the voice of the Spirit. After your time of individual silent reflection, regather together as a group, sitting in a circle. Sharing and Listening, Round 1 Each person in the circle takes 2-3 minutes to share aloud with the group the fruits of their individual prayer, and name how they are feeling using the lead-in statements below. Anyone in the group can begin, and the person on their left is the next person to share. Continue clockwise around the circle, until each person in the group has had their turn. When others are speaking, remember to listen with an open and humble heart. In keeping with Spiritual conversations – the first two rounds of sharing requires a level of self-discipline to simply sit and listen to what is being said while resisting the urge to comment or respond to what a person has said.
What am I hearing the Holy Spirit saying to us? 3 Let’s share & listen Reflection time What am I hearing the Holy Spirit saying to us? Reflect 5 mins Once everybody has shared, the whole group reflects in silence for 5 minutes. During this time, think about what you have heard the people in your group say, and ask yourself: “What am I hearing the Holy Spirit saying to us?”
3 Let’s share & listen Sharing and Listening, Round 2 Listening to the Holy Spirit through the voices of the group, I have heard… 2-3 minutes per person – please keep an eye on time in each group. Remember - one person speaks at a time - this time is for people to share their thoughts Anyone in the group can begin, and the person on their left is the next person to share. Continue clockwise around the circle, until each person in the group has had their turn. Sharing and Listening, Round 2 Each person in the circle takes 2 minutes to share with the group from their reflection. What have you heard the Spirit saying in the voices of the group? Use the lead-in statements below. This time when sharing, do not add anything new to the conversation – just your response to what you have heard already shared. When sharing, begin with these words: “Listening to the Holy Spirit through the voices of this group, I have heard…”
3 Let’s share & listen Reflection time How are you feeling about what you have read regarding the theme and all that you have heard shared within the group? Reflect Once everybody has shared, the whole group reflects in silence for 5 minutes. During this time, think about how you are feeling and about your experience of prayer and listening today.
From my prayer today and listening to the voices of the group, I feel… 3 Let’s share & listen Sharing and Listening, Round 3 From my prayer today and listening to the voices of the group, I feel… During this time, remember to listen deeply when someone else is speaking, and to respond to the conversation with an open and kind heart. Sharing and Listening, Round 3 This third round of sharing and listening is open, less structured than the previous two rounds. The purpose of open conversation is to deepen your encounter with one another. Any person who wants to speak is invited to share. During this time, remember to listen deeply when someone else is speaking, and to respond to the conversation with an open and kind heart. In light of all you have experienced today, share your thoughts and feelings with the group. When sharing, you might like to begin with these words: From my prayer today and listening to the voices of the group, I feel… When the time is right, close the conversation by saying thank you to one another for sharing and invite them to enjoy a short break. Remember to note the time to get back together after the break.
Short Break Time
Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? So, lets now take a moment to settle our minds and ourselves before we commence the Listening & Discernment Experience for today.
- OUTCOMES ACTIONS Let’s think nationally 4 While reflection, it is natural to think about the end point – the outcomes. So, during this step, while reflecting on an outcome, you are to try and identify the actions that will best support this outcome.
- OUTCOMES ACTIONS Let’s think nationally 4 For example: - OUTCOMES ACTIONS Engage more young people in Church form a state-based peer-to-peer encounter network for young parents explore the development of an online faith platform to support young people’s mental health, church partnership with Beyond Blue etc. If you have been discerning participatory and synodal ways of engaging young people (the outcome), some practical suggestions (the actions) might be to form a state-based peer-to-peer encounter network for young parents, or explore the development of an online faith platform to support young people’s mental health, church partnership with Beyond Blue etc.
Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally Reflection time Think about the concrete, practical steps which could be taken to move forward in the thematic area you have been focused on today. Write one (1) action per post-it note. How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? Consider examples of good practice or programs, locally, nationally or globally that you are aware of that could be explored? The whole group reflects in silence for 5 minutes. During this time, think about the concrete, practical steps which could be taken to move forward in the thematic area you have been focused on today. For example: If you have been discerning participatory and synodal ways of engaging young people, some practical suggestions might be to form a state-based peer-to-peer encounter network for young parents, or explore the development of an online faith platform to support young people’s mental health, church partnership with Beyond Blue etc. Consider the questions below and write your ideas on paper or post-it notes. How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is (insert: National Theme for Discernment)? What are some examples of good practice or programs, locally, nationally or globally that you are aware of that could be explored?
Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally For example: If you have been discerning participatory and synodal ways of engaging young people, some practical suggestions might be to: form a state-based peer-to-peer encounter network for young parents, or explore the development of an online faith platform to support young people’s mental health, church partnership with Beyond Blue etc. For example: If you have been discerning participatory and synodal ways of engaging young people, some practical suggestions might be to form a state-based peer-to-peer encounter network for young parents, or explore the development of an online faith platform to support young people’s mental health, church partnership with Beyond Blue etc. Consider the questions below and write your ideas on paper or post-it notes.
4 Let’s think nationally Write one (1) action per post-it note. How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? Remember, these actions need to be: Clear Stated as a positive As specific as possible A real action (practical, achievable and measurable)
Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally Sharing and Listening Each person in the circle takes 2-3 minutes to share their ideas with the group. If you have used Post-It notes, place these in the centre of the group as you speak about them. Anyone in the group can begin, and the person on their left is the next person to share. Continue clockwise around the circle, until each person in the group has had their turn. Each person in the circle takes 2-3 minutes to share their ideas with the group. If you have used Post-It notes, place these in the centre of the group as you speak about them. Anyone in the group can begin, and the person on their left is the next person to share. Continue clockwise around the circle, until each person in the group has had their turn. When others are sharing their ideas, remember to listen with an open and humble heart. You can ask the person sharing about their idea for understanding, and be sure to resist critique.
Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally Group Discussion, Towards Decision What actions do we feel strongly called towards? What actions could really help us to move toward becoming a Christ-centred Church which is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? What is the most loving response that the Spirit is calling us to? Once everyone has shared their ideas for action, your group’s task is to identify 2 or 3 emerging actions that can form the group’s submission to the theme’s Discernment and Writing Group. Below are some questions to guide your group’s discernment: What actions do we feel strongly called towards? What actions could really help us to move toward becoming a Christ-centred Church which is (insert National Theme for Discernment)? What is the most loving response that the Spirit is calling us to? Remember, these actions need to be: clear stated as a positive as specific as possible a real action (practical, achievable and measurable) Write down the 2 or 3 emerging actions that have been drawn from the discussions. Your group can submit these to the Discernment and Writing Group for the theme being discerned, at the end of this session.
4 Let’s think nationally Remember, these actions need to be: Clear Stated as a positive As specific as possible A real action (practical, achievable and measurable)
Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally Group Discussion, Towards Decision What actions do we feel strongly called towards? What actions could really help us to move toward becoming a Christ-centred Church which is Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal? What is the most loving response that the Spirit is calling us to?
How do I feel about our proposed actions, our group decision? 4 Let’s think nationally 4 Let’s think nationally Reflection How do I feel about our proposed actions, our group decision? An important part of discernment is listening to the voice of God within each one of us. This means we need to take notice of how we are feeling. Before submitting your group’s response, take some time to reflect and pray individually on the emerging actions the group has identified. Ask God for a feeling of consolation – a feeling of peace or fullness of your heart about your decision. How do I feel about our proposed actions, our group decision?
What ideas do we have that can nourish our local faith community? 5 Let’s think locally What ideas do we have that can nourish our local faith community? Take some time now, as a group to discuss any ideas which might be acted upon locally, in your own lives, in parishes, communities or schools or in other parts of your local neighbourhood. Think about who you can collaborate with locally. You can speak with your Parish Priest or another community faith leader such as the Principal or parent leader at school, or local youth leaders, or Parish Pastoral Councils, about your proposed ideas. This part is your call to faith in action, living out the Gospel for God’s mission.
Let’s give thanks 6 Gracious God, Through our experience of discernment, you invited each of us to hear the Holy Spirit in the voices of others, to challenge our own will, desires, fears and prejudices and to be open to your will. Lord Jesus, thank you for guiding us as our beacon of light, truth and life so that we can clearly see how best to honour and serve you, our neighbours and our true selves. You may like to say together the prayer provided below, or pray the Plenary Council prayer, or just speak to God from your heart.
Let’s give thanks 6 We pray that our decisions today have stayed true to you and to the faith and trust that you have in us. Through this experience, may the Holy Spirit ignite feelings of joy, and deeper faith, greater hope and trust, greater love and peace, greater courage and compassion in each of us and in your holy Church as we journey forward together. Amen
www.plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au Let’s respond 7 You can submit your 150 word response to the Discernment & Writing Group via: www.plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au You can send the outcomes of your discernment (maximum 150 words) to the Discernment and Writing Group who are considering the same National Theme for Discernment that you have focused on in your group. You will find the link on the Plenary Council webpage under Discernment. Thank you sincerely for continuing to engage in the Plenary Council process as we move toward the future God is calling us to.
Thank you for your participation today, and for your ongoing engagement with the Plenary Council 2020 journey.