Autonomous Delivery Robot ECE 445 SPRING 2019: Group#65: Wuwen Wang, Jue Ni, Ningyuan Du
Introduction An autonomous delivery robot for coffee shop A low cost solution for navigation and avoiding obstacle
Objectives Detect obstacles and react correspondingly Navigation to the destination within 2 minutes Ability to work for at least 2 hours
Requirements & Verification – Ultrasonic Sensor 1. Given 5 Volts DC power, it must be in the working state Connect the Arduino Uno R3 to the breadboard and computer such that a DC power supply of 5 Volts is on the board. Connect pin ECHO and TRIG of HC - SR04 to pin 3 and 2 on the Arduino Uno R3. Connect VCC and GND pins of HC-SR04 to the board. Upload code to the Arduino board. As we put obstacle in font of HC-SR04, distance value should be printed out. 2. It must detect the object in the range of 2cm – 100 cm. With a measuring tape, we put obstacle very close to HC-SR04, until no value is printed out on screen Generally, move the obstacle away from HC-SR04, until value of 100 cm is printed on the screen
Conclusion and Further work Sensor system tested and verified Navigation system tested and verified All modules integrated with microcontroller Robot avoids 2 obstacles and navigates to destination Future work: - ability to avoid multiple obstacles - ability to handle complex environment - Faster navigation
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