Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night Collierville Middle School Mrs. Stacey Cothern Honors Algebra I
Welcome to Your Child’s Honors Algebra I Class Welcome to Honors Algebra I ! My name is Stacey Cothern, and I will be teaching your child this year. This will be my sixteenth year to teach Math. I graduated from LSU. I have boy/girl twins who are freshman at Ole Miss and Mississippi State YOU are the most influential factor in your child’s success in school.
Ongoing Home-School Communication Reach me By phone: 853-3320 By email: scothern@colliervilleschools.org Please allow your child to email me first. Let’s teach them how to advocate for themselves before going to CHS. I will try to answer emails promptly without disturbing the flow of instruction. Please give at least 24 hours. I will update my website daily at the end of the school day to assure accuracy. Please subscribe to my website. Visit the CMS website and click on my name to view my website. I will send students a weekly agenda every Sunday evening to give them a look at what is coming up for the week. Also, students should write assignments in their agenda books each day during class.
Grading Assessments Standard Math Quizzes (40%) Classwork (10%) Lesson Test (50%) POWERSCHOOL: If a grade is highlighted, then I wrote a note to you regarding the grade. Please click on it and read the note. A zero will go in for missed work or absences. When the assignment is made up, the grade will be updated.
Daily Supplies Students should bring the following supplies to class every day Colored pen Charged IPADS Binder or notebook Folder with brads Pencils Highlighter Dry erase marker Calculator – All students need a fraction/scientific calculator or TI-84. Calculators will only be used when allowed by the teacher. I do not provide students with calculators if they don’t have their own. I offer grace the first week of school, but then conduct marks are given for coming to class unprepared. I do not allow students to go back to their lockers to get supplies.
Assessments/Assignments Curriculum Unit/ Topic Assessments/Assignments Month/ Timeframe Algebraic Expressions Quiz/Test, Notes, Classwork, Homework August Functions August/September Solving Equations and Inequalities September Literal, Compound, and Absolute Value Equations Graphing Equations and Inequalities October Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences, Dimensional Analysis October/November Function Families November Line of Regression, Correlation Coefficients, Residuals December Monomial and Polynomial Operations January Factoring Polynomials Graphing Quadratics February Solving Quadratics Systems of Equations March Standard Deviation and Statistical Measures March/April Operations with Radicals April End of Course Review
My Expectations for Homework I do not grade homework but I do record if a child did not complete it. Homework is directly related to topic covered in class
I want to retake a quiz or test I want to retake a quiz or section of a test; what do I do? Analyze EVERY missed problem. Next to each one write the following: “I missed this because I did……” ”I should have done this…” 2. Show the correct solution for each problem. 3. Look on the website ON THE DAY YOU TOOK THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT. Find the extra practice and complete the problems. Fill out a retake slip and attach the analyzed quiz/test AND the practice work. I will keep the original and the practice and give the retake slip back to you. 5. Come in Tuesday or Wednesday morning at 7:15 AM with the retake slip. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Three things will usually happen If you put off retaking assessments: 1st - You will forget that you need to retake. 2nd - As more time passes, you will perhaps forget how to solve the problems and get a lower score on the retake 3rd - You will run out of time. (ALL retakes must be completed ONE WEEK before the end of the quarter.)
Absence Policy for Homework What your child should do after an absence: Inquire about distributed worksheets and missed homework assignments. Refer to Mrs. Cothern’s website for information on what was learned. Copy notes and bell work from a classmate. Arrange a make-up time for missed quizzes or tests. Ask questions.