LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann


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Presentation transcript:

LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann CERN/2379/Rev: Proposal for building the LHC computing environment at CERN (Phase 1) Goals of Phase 1 of the Global LHC Computing Grid project Technology development and data challenges of the experiments from 2001 onwards leading to a Production Prototype at CERN and in MS and NMS by 2004 Technical Design Report in 2003 describing the necessary size and cost of the production facility at CERN and elsewhere agreeing the relations between the distributed Grid nodes their coordinated deployment and exploitation This Project provides for high level training and technology opportunities significant well beyond particle physics Approved in the Council Meeting of 20-Sept-01 Project Leader nominated: Les Robertson/CERN SC2 chair proposed: Matthias Kasemann/FNAL Project organisation frame Progress in identifying partners of LHC Computing Grid Contributions to Phase 1, not complete, but sufficient to approve project start 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Summary of Additional Resources needed PHASE 1 Total Phase 1 Total Phase 2 remains, including 10 MCHF contingency Phase 2 under discussion with FC, . . 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure Common Computing RRB Reviews The LHC Computing Grid Project Reports Resource Matters Project Overview Board Other Computing Grid Projects Project Leader e-Science Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition Other HEP Grid Projects WP WP WP WP WP RTAG industry EU DataGrid Project 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure Project Overview Board Chair: CERN Director for Scientific Computing Secretary: CERN IT Division Leader Membership: Spokespersons of LHC experiments CERN Director for Colliders Representatives of countries/regions with Tier-1 center : France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America 4 Representatives of countries/regions with Tier-2 center from CERN Member States In attendance: Project Leader SC2 Chairperson LHCC Common Computing RRB Reviews The LHC Computing Grid Project Reports Resource Matters Project Overview Board Project Leader Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP WP WP WP WP RTAG 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Software and Computing Committee (SC2) (Preliminary) The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure LHCC Common Computing RRB Reviews The LHC Computing Grid Project Reports Resource Matters Software and Computing Committee (SC2) (Preliminary) Chair: to be appointed by CERN Director General Secretary Membership: 2 coordinators from each LHC experiment Representative from CERN EP Division Technical Managers from centers in each region represented in the POB Leader of the CERN IT Division Project Leader Invited: POB Chairperson Project Overview Board Project Leader Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP WP WP WP WP RTAG 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure LHCC Common Computing RRB Reviews Project Execution Board (Preliminary – POB approval required) Constrain to 15—18 members Project Management Team: Project Leader Project architect Area Coordinators Applications Fabric & basic computing systems Grid technology Grid deployment, regional centres, data challenges Empowered representative from each LHC Experiment Leaders of major contributing teams The LHC Computing Grid Project Reports Resource Matters Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Requirements, Monitoring RTAG implementation teams 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann CERN openlab concept Create synergies between basic research and industry Research provides challenge, industry provides advanced items, concepts into collaborative forum Participation fee Create a Collaborative Forum between public sector and industries: to solve a well defined problem through open integration of technologies, aiming at open standards (open standard for example: Web with html, xml ) 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann Status of DataGrid Started on 1/1/2001, 9.8 M Euros EU funding, 21 partners (Main partners from CERN member states funding agencies, institutions: PPARC, INFN, CNRS, NIKHEF, ESA) Programme of work concentrated on middleware, test beds and applications (90% HEP/LHC focussed) Project in good shape ready for first test bed to be released to applications by October. Formal EU deadline at the end of the year. First EU review in March 2002. Other EU projects: CrossGrid, DataTAG and, later, Dissemination Cluster 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Collaboration with other Grid activities Intensive work of collaboration with other Grid projects in Europe (EU Projects, GridPP, INFN-Grid, etc) and elsewhere (mostly in US: GriPhyN, PPDG, DTF, iVDGL), to ensure interoperability of the various grid efforts Major role in international bodies: GGF (Global Grid Forum) and InterGrid (coordination among HEP Grid projects) Starting effort to LHC Computing Grid Monitor and support (within capabilities) similar activities in other sciences DataTAG INFN Grid iVDGL CrossGrid . . . . 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Member State and other Contributions to Phase 1 Personnel: ~ 40 fte needed for three years and more pledged Funds: ~30 MCHF needed and >10 MCHF pledged from various sources More work required to guarantee the envisaged vigorous test phase 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

Proposed Contributions Continue discussion with all Member States and other Countries, Agencies, industrial firms Proposed manpower very welcome, more details in “Staffing requirements for the CERN component of the LHC Computing Grid Project” (preliminary) Work out convention with each funding agency Need still more funds for the CERN prototyping; Overhead per person? Taking the discussion basis of Italy and UK: ~50KCHF/fte*year? Contributions in kind according to project specification? EU may give more in FP6 Aim at more industry contributions through “CERN openlab for DataGrid applications” Critical level for “approval to start the project” reached Project phase 1 approved as proposed, provided the resources can be identified 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann

LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann Next Steps POB, PEB, SC2 first meeting in November or December Identify dates Write letters to experiments requiring proposals of participants Write letters to contributors requiring proposals of participants Names required by mid November, in order that boards can have first meetings already this year Early next year: Launching Workshop for all those doing the work (later ~one “LHC Computing Grid” week/year?) 17-Dec-19 LHC Computing, RRB; H F Hoffmann