Review of the current financial Status of the IHO 3rd Meeting of the IHO Council IHO ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET Agenda Item 5.1 Review of the current financial Status of the IHO C-3, IHO Secretariat, Monaco, 15 – 17 October 2019
Review of the current financial status Status essentials (September 2019): Good recovery of contributions: 88,43% of 3.489.732 € (budget estimate for 2019) Outstanding contributions 1/2017 (~36.000 €) and 4/2018 (~103.000 €) Advance payment from 15 Member States Expected surplus of 5.6% based on savings in operational costs expected but calculated for the budget estimate of ~ 3.490.000 € (theoretical value if ideally all Member States pay) partly required to cover additional costs for health insurance. C-3, IHO Secretariat, Monaco, 15 – 17 October 2019