6th Grade Family Life Parent Preview
Lesson 1: Puberty Objective: Review how their body changes as they go through puberty. Class discussion Create chart on board with student input How does your body change when you go through puberty? Watch “growing up” (girls and boys) Video Add to class chart. Boys Girls
Lesson 2: Body Image Objective: To teach students how the media affects their own body image and how important it is to respect yourself for who you are.
Body image We use the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and media pictures to talk about how the media photo shops most images you see. We discuss: Anorexia and bulimia and the effects they can have on your body. Respecting each other and not judging people by the way the look.
Lesson 3: The Risks of being Sexually Active Objective: students will understand the risks of choosing to be sexually active. Students make a list of their own life goals on Goals & Risks Worksheet. Create a list on the board of the risks of having sex. Students copy the list in order of priority in their lives. We discuss how the risks affect their life goals.
Lesson 4: Exploring Friendships Objective: Assess the degree to which s/he has the traits and skills required for a quality committed friendship. Identify and describe opportunities for building Friendships. Differentiate between “liking” or loving something or someone Plan a safe and healthy activity.
Exploring friendships Brainstorm characteristics of friendships. Complete friendship inventory. Group discussion of liking vs. loving Liking vs. Loving exploration Plan a safe Activity Complete the activity planner and discuss with a partner.
When will we be teaching Family Life? Family Life is taught the last few weeks of school. By the end of the year we are familiar with the students. It is an excellent message to leave 6th grade with.
We will be showing the video: Growing Up! For Girls Growing Up! For Boys