© The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing. Table 5. Common causes of each DTP identified among T2DM patients in WSU teaching hospital, from February to April, 2016(N=202) S.NO DTPs Category and causes Frequency(N=202) (%) 1 Needs additional drug therapy 137(67.8) Preventive drug therapy required 126(92) To attain synergistic effect 10(7.3) There is a medical condition that requires treatment 1(0.7) 2 Non compliance 127(52.3) Forgets to take medications 64(50.4) Fear of side of effects 36(28.3) Drug unavailability 15(11.8) Others* 12(9.5) 3 Dose too low 65 (26.7) The dose is too low to produce the desired effect 56(86) The dosing is too infrequent to produce the desired effect 7 (4.6) There is drug interaction which reduces its effect 2(9.4) 4 Unnecessary drug therapy 16 (6.5) Duplicative drug therapy 14(87.5) There is no valid medical condition 2(12.5) 5 Dose too high 14(5.7) The dose given is too high 12(85.7) Drug interaction 2(14.3) 6 Adverse drug reaction 11(4.5) The drug is C/I due to risk or safer drug is available 4(41.7) The drug produces an undesirable effect(hypoglycaemia) ** 7(33.3) 7 Ineffective drug therapy 8(3.30) The drug is not the most effective drug 1(12.5) The medical condition is refractory 7(87.5) * Unclear drug instruction, cost, and patient preference. ** At least one episode of hypoglycaemia prior to enrolment in the study. Hailu Chare Koyra et al. Epidemiology and Predictors of Drug Therapy Problems among Type 2 Diabetic Patients at Wolaita Soddo University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 40-48. doi:10.12691/ajps-5-2-4 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.