The Odyssey By Homer
Essential Question Consider the name etymologies of Calypso and Odysseus. How does Homer use the deeper meanings of their names to reveal aspects of their personalities and explain their relationship? -What is etymology? -Who is Odysseus? -Who is Calypso? -What are their personalities like? -What is their relationship? These are the questions we AS SMART READERS should be asking while reading so that we can answer our essential question. Remember the ESSENTIAL QUESTION is our focus for the lesson. In order to be successful, we must be able to answer it correctly.
Essential Question Copy this definition into your vocabulary section of your notebook: Etymology: the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning.
Definitions of Names Calypso: she that conceals; to cover; to conceal Odysseus: son of pain; he who gives or receives pain; to hate, to lament; wily, cunning These are the etymologies of (or definitions of) the characters’ names. Since Odysseus’ name contains so many definitions, you should focus on JUST ONE to answer the Essential Question. (Will explain this for students who may not know the meaning of these words) Lament means to grieve or mourn or be sorrowful. Wily means to gain an advantage, especially in deceit.
How the meaning of Odysseus’ name connects to/reflects his personality Purpose for Reading In order to answer the Essential Question fully we need to know: How the meaning of Odysseus’ name connects to/reflects his personality How the meaning of Calypso’s name connects to/reflects her personality What this reveals about their relationship Our job will be to find in the text where Calypso and Odysseus’ characteristics MATCH the definitions of their names and what these characteristics reveal about their relationship. Is it a healthy relationship? Is it a toxic one? Are they happy? What in the text proves this about their relationship?
Independent Work - Part 1 -Read pg. 1038 through 1042 (not the “Calypso then and now” on pg. 1041) -Fill out your chart in your notebook with: - A character trait of Calypso that matches her etymology - A character trait for Odysseus that matches his etymology - What you are trying to prove about their relationship -You may pull textual evidence from “Tell the Story” or “Calypso the Sweet Nymph”. -DO NOT USE MY EXAMPLES; DO NOT USE THE ITALICIZED TEXT
Tell the Story: Your chart should mirror this one (but do not copy my examples! Personality Trait Cite & Frame Explain Odysseus: son of pain Homer writes that Odysseus is “skilled in all ways of contending” (5). This implies that his name meaning “son of pain” refers not only to his emotional pain at not being at home, but also the physical pain he deals his opponents in battle. Pass out frame & explain worksheets here. Discuss with class. 1-2 minutes tops. In this example, I’ve focused on Odysseus’ “son of pain” etymology.
Now move on to your homework handout!!!!!!!