Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. Name the group of powerful nations which ran the League of Nations The Secretariat b. The Assembly c. The Permanent Court of International Justice d. The League 2. Did countries have to follow the rulings of the International Court of International Justice? Yes b. No 3. Name a major weakness of the League of Nations. It had a vast membership b. It was worldwide c. It had no army to enforce rulings d. It had special commissions 4. What was the section of the League of Nations which was in charge of administration called? The Special Commission b. The Council c. The Assembly d. The Secretariat 5. What is a plebiscite? a. A local election b. A national election c. A disease d. Part of the government
Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. 6. Why was there a country-wide election in Germany and Poland 1921? a. To decide who owned Upper Silensia b. To decide where to build a new country c. To decide whether Germany should be a democracy d. To decide where the capital of Poland should be. 7. Why did Mussolini invade Corfu in 1923? a. He wanted more land b. He was trying to spread communism c. Corfu had broken a treaty, so he was helping the League d. An Italian general was killed by a Greek and he was seeking revenge 8. When Greek soldiers were killed on the Bulgarian border in 1925 Greece invaded Bulgaria. How did the League respond when Bulgaria asked for help? a. They ignored them b. They forced them to withdraw their troops from Bulgaria c. They helped Greece with troops and supplies d. They made everyone sit down and talk things through. 9. What event plunged the world into depression in 1929? The Wall Street Crash b. The outbreak of WWII c. The election of Hitler d. A major plague outbreak
Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. 10. What did the League of Nations do to help people during the depression of the 1930s? a. Nothing b. Give loans to citizens of certain countries c. Work with the USA to stabilise their economy d. Help countries to build their defences so others couldn’t steal their limited supplies.
Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. Name the group of powerful nations which ran the League of Nations The Secretariat b. The Assembly c. The Permanent Court of International Justice d. The League 2. Did countries have to follow the rulings of the International Court of International Justice? Yes b. No 3. Name a major weakness of the League of Nations. It had a vast membership b. It was worldwide c. It had no army to enforce rulings d. It had special commissions 4. What was the section of the League of Nations which was in charge of administration called? The Special Commission b. The Council c. The Assembly d. The Secretariat 5. What is a plebiscite? a. A local election b. A national election c. A disease d. Part of the government
Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. 6. Why was there a country-wide election in Germany and Poland 1921? a. To decide who owned Upper Silesia b. To decide where to build a new country c. To decide whether Germany should be a democracy d. To decide where the capital of Poland should be. 7. Why did Mussolini invade Corfu in 1923? a. He wanted more land b. He was trying to spread communism c. Corfu had broken a treaty, so he was helping the League d. An Italian general was killed by a Greek and he was seeking revenge 8. When Greek soldiers were killed on the Bulgarian border in 1925 Greece invaded Bulgaria. How did the League respond when Bulgaria asked for help? a. They ignored them b. They forced them to withdraw their troops from Bulgaria c. They helped Greece with troops and supplies d. They made everyone sit down and talk things through. 9. What event plunged the world into depression in 1929? The Wall Street Crash b. The outbreak of WWII c. The election of Hitler d. A major plague outbreak
Quiz 4: Composition of the League and the League in the 1920s. 10. What did the League of Nations do to help people during the depression of the 1930s? a. Nothing b. Give loans to citizens of certain countries c. Work with the USA to stabilise their economy d. Help countries to build their defences so others couldn’t steal their limited supplies.