Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Overview of Metastatic TNBC
Case 1: Introduction
OlympiAD: Olaparib in Patients With mBC and Germline BRCA Mutations
EMBRACA: Talazoparib in Patients With mBC and Germline BRCA Mutations
Using PARP Inhibitors in BRCA-Mutated MBC
Case 2: Introduction
First-Line Treatment of mTNBC IMpassion130: Nab-Paclitaxel + Atezolizumab
Testing for PD-L1 in Patients With TNBC
Considerations With Checkpoint Inhibitors
Treatment of PD-L1-Negative, Germline BRCA-WT mTNBC
What About Chemotherapy Doublets? Expert Perspectives
What If Patients Are PD-L1-Positive and Germline BRCA Mutation-Positive?
Second- and Third-Line Treatment of mTNBC
Making Treatment Decisions in mTNBC
Considering Clinical Trials in mTNBC
Future Directions in mTNBC: Antibody-Drug Conjugates
Future Directions in mTNBC: Other Approaches
Shared Decision-Making Principles
Direct Patients to Reputable Resources
Key Takeaways
Abbreviations (cont)