Volume of milk consumed at a breastfeeding from the more productive breast (□) and the less productive breast (□) during the morning (4:01 am to 10:00 am), day (10:01 am to 4:00 pm), evening (4:01 pm to 10:00 pm), and night (10:01 pm to 4:00 am) by infants ... Volume of milk consumed at a breastfeeding from the more productive breast (□) and the less productive breast (□) during the morning (4:01 am to 10:00 am), day (10:01 am to 4:00 pm), evening (4:01 pm to 10:00 pm), and night (10:01 pm to 4:00 am) by infants who breastfed at night (A) or did not breastfeed at night (B). Values are means with SEM represented by vertical bars. More productive and less productive breasts are different (aP < .05; bP < .0001). Jacqueline C. Kent et al. Pediatrics 2006;117:e387-e395 ©2006 by American Academy of Pediatrics