Save the Last Word for Me!


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Presentation transcript:

Save the Last Word for Me! Junior English “The Crucible” Act Three

First, using the portion of the play we read in class today, choose what you feel is the most important passage or sentence from the text. There is no wrong answer! Follow your heart…your brain…or both! 

Next, give two reasons why you think that particular passage or sentence is important. It could be because: it reveals something important about a character or the plot. it has a good connection to the theme. you personally relate to that passage and that is why you chose it. As long as you have two reasons, you cannot be wrong!

Now, we will take turns sharing our passages, but first, turn to the person sitting next to you and share your passage and reasons with them. This should only take a couple of minutes!  Remember, all writing is meant to be read! Be fierce participators! How class discussion will work: A student volunteers (or is drawn from the cup) to read their passage. The rest of the people in class can raise their hand and comment on this passage. Do you agree or disagree with why this passage is important and why? What do you like about this passage? What questions does this passage bring up for you? These are some examples of comments you may have.

Some Tips for Discussion: The student volunteer now gets to read their reasons why they think that particular passage is important. At this point, the rest of the class can say nothing! The student volunteer has had the last word! We will continue with this discussion giving as many students as possible the opportunity to share their passage. Who will have the last word?  Some Tips for Discussion: Make your responses meaningful. This is your experience and your learning! Know how to respectfully disagree: “I understand your point, but I feel that…” Be willing to volunteer and share…we all want each other to do well!