How to use, share, and save a Power Point Presentation
What not to do with Power Point:
One Drive Basics es/SiteAssets/Students%20Saving%20Files%20in%20OneDriveMix.mp4
Power Point Online, How to Share it
Power Point Basics
Assignment 1. You will work with the student you work with in the Frayer a Friend Activity. 2. You will create a powerpoint presentation together using the information on the Frayer Models. 3. You will save presentation and share it with me (
Slide Info Slide 1- Student 1 name and insert a meme that describes student Slide 2- Student 2 name and insert a meme tht describes student (can use gi Slide 3- Use the comparison slide, describe the similarites you both share (use the information from your like/dislike column) You will be graded by: Having the information listed above Being creative ( you can add other elements such as word art, backgrounds, transitions, online pictures) Sharing the document with me.