Objectives & Outcomes Chuck Cone ERAU Oct 30, 2010
Objective I I. Math, Science, and Engineering Fundamentals Alumni working in the engineering field will demonstrate skills in math, science, and engineering with an emphasis on solving problems utilizing fundamental engineering principles including engineering logic, traditional analytical methods, modern software, and experimental apparatus. Additionally and more specifically: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering alumni will: A. be competent in fundamental engineering areas that include statics, dynamics, solid mechanics, circuits, materials science, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and experimental techniques and instrumentation. B. utilize appropriate software that would enable analysis, simulation, and design of aerospace systems (e.g. Excel, MATLAB, ANSYS, CATIA). Computer Engineering alumni will be: A. competent in the fundamental areas of digital and computer systems, software development, and modeling of physical systems. B. able to use or learn to use software tools and programming. C. able to apply mathematically based physical laws to solve problems presented them. Electrical Engineering alumni will be: A. competent in the fundamental areas of statics/dynamics, thermo/heat transfer, and digital/linear circuits as appropriate for a generalized systems education. B. able to use or learn to use software tools and programming
Objective II II. Professional and Social Context of Engineering Practice Alumni working in the engineering field will demonstrate an understanding and philosophy that promotes engineering practice founded in technical integrity, ethics, social, economic, and environ-mental responsibility, and global awareness. Alumni will recognize the importance of preparing themselves for continued education and independent thought. This objective is overarching and applicable to all our engineering disciplines.
Objective III III. Design and Teamwork Alumni working in the engineering field will demonstrate the ability to assimilate topics from multiple sources, design a system or process, communicate that design effectively though verbal and written means, and work effectively on a team. Aerospace Engineering alumni will: A. have a broad understanding of the interrelations of the aerospace disciplines and their impact on aerospace designs. B. understand the importance of teamwork, the value of multiple experiences and be able to communicate to a broad array of technical and non-technical audiences. C. bring design expertise to the work environment within a chosen subset of aerospace engineering disciplines. Computer Engineering alumni will: A. foster a sense of citizenship, positive group dynamics, team participation, and team responsibility in a global community and economy. B. demonstrate leadership where appropriate within their work groups. C. be able to plan, schedule and carryout projects assigned to them. D. be able to work together on an interdisciplinary team such as found in the aerospace culture. Electrical Engineering alumni will: Mechanical Engineering alumni will: A. understand the importance of teamwork, the value of multiple experiences and be able to communicate to a broad array of technical and non-technical audiences. B. bring design expertise to the work environment within the context of a developing a complex, multidisciplinary engineering system.
Objective IV IV. Discipline Specific Depth Alumni working in the engineering field will demonstrate depth in their discipline and exposure in related areas. Aerospace Engineering alumni will: A. have demonstrated depth in aerospace structures, propulsion, and either aeronautics or astronautics. B. have depth in theoretical, computational, and experimental methods. Computer Engineering alumni will: A. have depth in embedded and real-time control systems, software design, or computer architecture. B. show an aptitude for independent work accomplishing the tasks they are assigned. C. demonstrate an ability to develop a deeper understanding of a particular area of CE or to learn about a new area. D. be able to use software tools appropriate to their jobs, including MATLAB, VHDL, IDE, etc. E. be capable of immediate productivity upon their graduation. Electrical Engineering alumni will: A. have developed depth in communications theory, control theory, power electronics, or analog/ digital circuits. B. show an aptitude for independent work accomplishing the tasks they are assigned. C. demonstrate an ability to develop a deeper understanding of a particular area of EE or to learn about a new area. D. be able to use software tools appropriate to their jobs including C; MATLAB; HDL; OrCAD Layout, Capture and Pspice; etc. Mechanical Engineering alumni will: A. have demonstrated depth in machine design, thermal-fluid systems, robotics, and gas turbine engines.
Objective Comments 2. Program Educational Objectives Program educational objectives are defined as “broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing the graduates to achieve.” Criterion 2 requires that programs have in place “an assessment and evaluation process that periodically documents and demonstrates the degree to which these objectives are attained.” Many of the current program educational objectives are similar to outcomes and address attributes students should have at the time of graduation. The program has a functional process for assessment of its objectives which includes surveys of alumni and employers. However, surveys focus primarily on skills students acquire as they matriculate through the program rather than their accomplishments following graduation. The potential exist that this criterion may not be satisfied in the future.
Outcomes A. Our graduating students will have experienced a core of humanities, social sciences, and communications and demonstrate the use of this core to support the technical content of their engineering curriculum. B. Graduating seniors will be competent in fundamental math/basic science subjects. C. All graduating engineering students will be competent in a subgroup of core engineering fundamentals. D. Engineering students graduating from our programs will demonstrate proficiency in core topics in their program. E. Graduating students will have had the opportunity to specialize and demonstrate competence in a sub-discipline within their chosen field, to provide depth in a subject area or prepare them for graduate education. F. All engineering students will be proficient in engineering design. G. All engineering students will demonstrate design competence through a major design (capstone) experience. H. All engineering students will be laboratory and computer proficient with modern equipment and current laboratory and computer methods.
Outcomes 3. PROGRAM OUTCOMES Criterion 3 states that “There must be an assessment and evaluation process that periodically demonstrates the degree to which program outcomes are attained.” While there is a process in place, the distinction of which instruments assess outcomes or objectives is not clear. Changes in the instruments used and timing of these instruments appear not to have been consistent. Although the department attempts to utilize a number of assessment techniques some have such a low response rate that the data obtained may not be adequate to assess the outcomes. Also, a great effort is expended in mapping course coverage to be sure the outcomes are sufficiently covered within the curriculum, but there is little evidence of evaluation of the actual student attainment of the outcome. Without clarification of the use of the instruments, the potential exists that this criterion may not be satisfied in the future.
Evaluation Assessment Tools