Why Wellness in your personal life? You can not pour from an empty cup. Where and how are you fed?
Health: In 1948 the world health organization (WHO) stated that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not the absence of disease or infirmity. Well-being: The state of being healthy, comfortable and happy.
Wellness: The word wellness is credited to Halbert Dunn in 1961 Wellness: The word wellness is credited to Halbert Dunn in 1961. He established the national vital statistics system. He is known as the “Father of the wellness movement” Don Ardell - wrote the first mass-market wellness book called “High Level Wellness”. He defines wellness as a “dynamic or ever-changing fluctuating state of being”.
Whole-person Wellness: moderation, balance, unity, harmonious whole, unbroken, undamaged. Wellness Wheel: In 1976 by Dr. Bill Hettler co-founder of National Wellness Institute came up with 6 dimensions of health, which are physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, ands social.
What is your identity. This is an example of a Wholeness Wheel What is your identity? This is an example of a Wholeness Wheel. When we dive deeper into each section, we are going to be looking at your health, your client’s health, and some case studies or examples at the same time.
FAITH LIFE- thought, action, and goal starters Let’s start with faith life. Remember this is taken from “Church Health Reader” so it is Christian based. I want you to define your own understanding of Faith Life for yourself. Also remember this is a safe place for you to have your own belief system. I am not telling you how or what to believe in or what to believe about.
FAITH LIFE- values, dreams, and first steps Let’s look at your values, dreams, and possibly some first steps
MEDICAL- thought, action, and goal starters Remember I am asking these questions for your medical well-being
MEDICAL- values, dreams, and first steps
MOVEMENT- thought, action, and goal starters Here we need to remember we are talking about mind, body, and spirit
MOVEMENT- values, dreams, and first steps
WORK- thought, action, and goal starters So when it says yourself, your family (you define family) and congregation. Place congregation and ministry with work.
WORK- values, dreams, and first steps
EMOTIONAL- thought, action, and goal starters Where does your strength come from?
EMOTIONAL- values, dreams, and first steps Emotional intelligence
NUTRITIONAL- thought, action, and goal starters Here is where emotions may play a bigger part to this picture
NUTRITIONAL- values, dreams, and first steps
FRIENDS & FAMILY- thought, action, and goal starters Could a goal starter be a thought change instead of an action change?
values, dreams, and first steps FRIENDS & FAMILY values, dreams, and first steps
Now we have something to share and give to our patience Personal wellness can be shared Now we have something to share and give to our patience We may be able to empathize deeper because we assessed ourselves.
We can use Motivational Interviewing to move people towards growth Keeping the Wellness Wheel in mind We can use Motivational Interviewing to move people towards growth
Now our patients may gain independence from systems and institutions
QUESTIONS? Christie Hansard churchworkercare@michigandistrict.org 734-845-2972 Slides 5-19 used with written permission by Church Health Reader