Classifying Two-Dimensional Shapes G.B.3 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts
Learning Target I can classify a two-dimensional polygons based on attributes (characteristics). I can determine the name that best classifies a triangle.
What do you know?? Two Dimensional A shape that only has two dimensions, length and width. Congruent When the sides or angles of a shape are the same size or equal, we classify them as congruent. Parallel When two lines run the same distance from each other and never intersect (cross), we classify them as parallel.
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Are you an expert??? Which choices can you eliminate? Why? 1.) Which of the following describes a regular triangle? A polygon with three congruent sides, and three congruent angles. A polygon with four congruent sides, and four congruent angles. A polygon with five congruent sides, and five congruent angles. A polygon with six congruent sides, and six congruent angles. 2.) Which of the following describes a regular octagon? A polygon with seven congruent sides, and seven congruent angles. A polygon with eight congruent sides, and eight congruent angles. A polygon with nine congruent sides, and nine congruent angles. A polygon with ten congruent sides, and ten congruent angles. What is 346 + 123 ?
Are you an expert??? Why do you think people easily confuse hexagons and heptagons? 1.) Which of the following describes a regular hexagon? A polygon with three congruent sides, and three congruent angles. A polygon with four congruent sides, and four congruent angles. A polygon with five congruent sides, and five congruent angles. A polygon with six congruent sides, and six congruent angles. 2.) Which of the following describes a regular heptagon? A polygon with seven congruent sides, and seven congruent angles. b) A polygon with eight congruent sides, and eight congruent c) A polygon with nine congruent sides, and nine congruent d) A polygon with ten congruent sides, and ten congruent angles. What is 785 – 124 ?
Are you an expert??? 1.) Which of the following describes a regular pentagon ? A polygon with three congruent sides, and three congruent angles. A polygon with four congruent sides, and four congruent angles. A polygon with five congruent sides, and five congruent angles. A polygon with six congruent sides, and six congruent angles. 2.) Which of the following describes a regular nonagon? A polygon with seven congruent sides, and seven congruent angles. A polygon with eight congruent sides, and eight congruent angles. A polygon with nine congruent sides, and nine congruent angles. A polygon with ten congruent sides, and ten congruent angles. What is 300 - 126 ?
What does parallel mean? Are you an expert??? What properties are we observing to answer these questions? What does parallel mean?
What does congruent mean? Can you Are you an expert??? What properties are we observing to answer these questions? What does congruent mean? Can you show an example?
Are you an expert??? Would this be a regular polygon? Why or why not?
Classifying Triangles Triangles have 3 sides and 3 angles. The three angles will add up to 180 degrees. Print the Graphic Organizer for ISN
Which of the following is a right triangle?? B Print the 8 slides as notes/examples for ISN C A
Which of the following is an obtuse triangle?? B C A
Which of the following is an acute triangle?? B C A
Which of the following is a scalene triangle?? B C A
Why is A the equilateral triangle??? Justify your answer. B A C
Triangle C is an acute isosceles triangle. How do I know that? Explain. B A C
Triangle B is a right scalene triangle. How do I know that? Explain. B A C
Triangle B is an obtuse scalene triangle. How do I know that? Explain. B C A
Group Task With your group, you will answer the 15 multiple choice questions about classifying triangles. You will may take your notes with you to use and a pencil for recording. After you answer a question, please send one person to the front to check your response. When you have finished answering the questions, please place your work in your KEEP AT HOME SIDE OF YOUR FOLDER. This will be a great study tool. Then, you will collect your exit ticket. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. I Can Math Game Partner Task: #21-26, 31-35
Partner Task With your partner, you will answer the 15 multiple choice questions about classifying triangles. You will may take your notes with you to use and a pencil for recording. After you answer a question, please send one person to the front to check your response. When you have finished answering the questions, please place your work in your KEEP AT HOME SIDE OF YOUR FOLDER. This will be a great study tool. Then, you will collect your exit ticket. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. I Can Math Game Partner Task: #21-26, 31-35
Previous Learning Targets I can classify a two-dimensional polygons based on attributes (characteristics). I can determine the name that best classifies a triangle.
Review: Classifying Triangles Triangles have 3 sides and 3 angles. The three angles will add up to 180 degrees. Print the Graphic Organizer for ISN
*If you have been given 5 post-it notes, you are going the be the “coach”. You will work with the person written on your post-it to classify the four triangles around the room by their angle and side. *As a coach, share what you know by explaining how you classify triangles. *Work together to explain your choice using words and pictures. *We will have 15 minutes. Please use whisper voices.
How do you know?
How do you know?? 2.) Obtuse scalene Right equilateral Acute isosceles Obtuse isosceles How do you know??
How do you know? 3.) Acute isosceles Acute scalene Obtuse equilateral Acute equilateral How do you know?
How do you know? 4.) Acute scalene Right scalene Right isosceles Acute equilateral How do you know?
Learning Target I can classify quadrilaterals based on attributes (characteristics) and a hierarchy.
I would like to tell you a story about the family of Quadrilaterals I would like to tell you a story about the family of Quadrilaterals. Once upon a time in a village not too far away from here, but far enough that you would need a car to get there, lived a fragile elderly lady named Poly Quadrilateral (because she is a polygon, duh!). Poly Quadrilateral lived with her two daughters Parallelogram and Trapezoid. The two sisters were inseparable! They did everything together because they had four sides and each of their opposite sides were parallel…UNTIL trapezoid hit her teen years. She grew rebellious! She did the unthinkable. She made her shape have least one set of parallel sides, not strictly two, like her sister parallelogram. And, I am sure you are wondering. Whatever happened to Trapezoid? Well, she met another shape named Kite, who pairs of adjacent lines that were equal in length. They started a rock band! This started a HUGE FUED between the two sisters. Parallelogram went on to have a family where her descendants would have two sets of parallel sides, not at least one like Trapezoid. Parallelogram’s daughter, Rectangle was a four sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel, equal and length, and forms four right angles. Rectangle met a very nice shape named Rhombus, who had four sides that were equal length as well; however, his angles were not exactly 90 degrees. The two had a baby shape named Square, who shared characteristics with his mom, Rectangle, and dad, Rhombus. From his mom, Square received four right angles. From his dad, Square received four sides that are equal in length. That is why some people call little Square Rhombus, Rectangle, Parallelogram, or even Quadrilateral because he was given all of his characteristics from his family. We never hear a Rhombus or Rectangle called little Square because that would be too funny! Imagine me calling you by your mom or dad’s name! This is the story of the family of Quadrilaterals.
Using the Hierarchy Watch Me 1.) Which of the following is NOT a parallelogram? a) rectangle b) square c) rhombus d) trapezoid 2.) Which statement is TRUE? a) All parallelograms are rectangles. b) All parallelograms are quadrilaterals. c) All quadrilaterals are trapezoids. d) All trapezoids are parallelograms. 1.) (D) A trapezoid is not a parallelogram because it can have at least one set of parallel sides, not just two sets. 2.) (B) All parallelograms are quadrilaterals because they are four sided figures.
Using the Hierarchy You Try & I Will Help 1.) Which of the following groups is a square NOT a member of? a) quadrilateral b) parallelograms c) trapezoids d) rectangles 2.) Which statement is true? a) A polygon is a closed figure with three or more curved or straight edges. b) All parallelograms have two pairs of parallel sides, so a trapezoid is a parallelogram. c) All rhombuses have four congruent sides, so a square is a rhombus. d) A polygon is a closed figure with three or more straight sides, so a circle is a polygon. 1.) (C) Squares are not trapezoids because they have two sets of parallel sides like a parallelogram. 2.) (C) Rhombuses have four congruent sides, and a square does, too. We can classify a square as a rhombus, but not a rhombus as a square because it lacks four right angles.
Categorize your Quadrilaterals Write the shape in the group it belongs to. You may use the shapes once, twice, or three times. Rectangle Rhombus Square Parallelogram Trapezoid Quadrilateral At least one set of parallel sides Two sets of parallel sides All sides are congruent 1.) (C) Squares are not trapezoids because they have two sets of parallel sides like a parallelogram. 2.) (C) Rhombuses have four congruent sides, and a square does, too. We can classify a square as a rhombus, but not a rhombus as a square because it lacks four right angles.
Sorting Task With your partner, please match the shape with its definition and picture. When you have finished, raise your hand for me to check. Then, you may collect your exit ticket. I Can game Partner Task #1-5, 11-20
At least one set of parallel sides
Exit Ticket When you have completed your exit ticket, please turn it into the tray. **Tonight, you need to look over pages 7, 8, and 9 in your math journal. After we review tomorrow, we will have a vocabulary quiz and classifying triangles quiz. I Can Math Game Exit Ticket: #6-10
Around the Room With your coach, you will walk the room to answer the questions on your paper. These are questions that reflect what we have been learning in class. Only two people may be at a question at a time. Our voice level is a whisper, and we check our answers after we solve each question. Please be back in your seat when the timer rings in 15 minutes. _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts
Question One Classifying 2-D shapes Version A quiz
Question Two
Question Three
Question Four
Question Five
Question Six
Question Seven
Question Eight
Question Nine
Question Ten
Question Eleven Hierarchy Quiz Version A
Question Twelve
Question Thirteen
Question Fourteen
Question Fifteen
Question Thirteen
Question Fourteen
Question Sixteen
Question Seventeen