Physical Topologies -K. M. THANVI It refers to the way in which a network is laid out physically It is the geometric representation of relationship of all links and linking devices (usually called as nodes) connected to one another -K. M. THANVI
Types There are four basic types of network topologies Mesh topology Star topology Bus topology Ring topology
Mesh Topology Every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device A fully connected mesh network has n(n-1)/2 physical channels to link n devices and to accommodate this links each device require (n-1) I/O ports
Figure shows 6 nodes connected with mesh topology
Advantages Disadvantages Applications Robust Privacy and security Dedicated link Robust Privacy and security Fault identification and isolation Disadvantages Large amount of cabling and i/o ports are required Installation and reconnection is difficult Sheer bulk of wiring can be more than available space Hardware required can be expensive Applications telephone regional office Wide area network
Star Topology -Each device has a point to point link only to the central controller , usually called as hub -Controller act as ‘Exchange’ -When device 1 wants to send data to device 2; First sends the data to hub. Which then relays the data to the other connected device.
Figure shows 5 nodes connected with mesh topology
Advantages Disadvantages Applications less expensive than mesh easy installation and reconfiguration Robustness Fault identification and isolation Disadvantages Though cabling required is less compared to mesh , but still more cables are required as each node should be connected to central hub. If hub fails , all attached nodes are disabled expensive Applications LAN and High speed LAN
Bus Topology -Mesh and star are point to point whereas bus is point to multipoint In this one long cable act as a backbone cable to link all devices on network nodes are connected ton bus cable by drop lines and taps DROP LINE: Connection running between device and main cable TAP : A tap is connector that either splices into main cable or punctures the sheathing of cable to create a contact with metallic core
Figure shows different nodes Connected with bus topology
Advantages Disadvantages Applications ease of installation less cabling less expensive Disadvantages Fault isolation and reconnection is difficult Signal reflection at taps cause degradation Fault or break in the bus cable stops all transmission Applications most computer motherboard
Ring Topology -point to point connection only with the devices on the either side -a signal is passed along the ring from device in one direction until it reaches the destination - It make use of token ring technology
Figure shows four nodes Connected with ring topology
Advantages Disadvantages Applications ease of installation and reconfiguration fault detection and isolation is easy Disadvantages unidirectional traffic break in ring can disable entire network Applications office building and school campus
Connecting devices
Different connecting devices used are hub repeater bridge switch router gateway