Welcome to Preschool!! I’m excited to have you in my classroom this year! I have many fun learning activities planned and am looking forward to a great year! Our preschool days will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 8:00 am to 11:15 am. Our first day of preschool will be Tuesday, August 27th. I would like all preschoolers and an adult (preferably parent) to join me on this day in the preschool room from 9:00 am to 10:30 am for a “Get-acquainted Day”. We will have stories, games, songs, snacks and more. We will end the day with an informational parent meeting. Please contact me if you are unable to attend the “Get-acquainted Day”, so we can make arrangements to meet some other time to go over all the forms etc. Preschoolers will have a regular day of school on Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29 and continue with their 3 day schedule the following week. 2018-2019 School Supplies Needed: (Please mark all supplies with a black permanent marker.) __8 colored crayons (Fat or thin) __3 or 4 pencils __2 glue sticks __1 LARGE bottle of Elmer’s All Purpose Glue (Please NO School Glue as it is too thick) __metal Fiskar scissors __plastic school box with lid __pair of headphones (for computers) __container of antibacterial wipes __BOOKBAG (very important for getting notes and papers back and forth) Important: Before your child can come to school, the following items must be on file. You can stop in and give Danielle (elementary secretary) the information or bring it with you on the first day of preschool. (We can make copies for you) __a copy of child’s birth certificate __a copy of child’s up to date shot record or SDHS Access Agreement __child’s Medicaid numbers (if applicable) __Parent Response Sheet __KASD Enrollment Form __$12 for milk for the school year Attached to this sheet you will find a countdown to school and a coloring sheet. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 837-2173 (school), 605-488-0040 (cell) or email me at Candice.Ireland@k12.sd.us .Yours in Education, Candice Ireland