Curriculum Night Mrs. Meagher Put up as first slide.
Students are in control of their own situation! Expectations Try their best at everything they do. Be responsible with their work and actions. Be prepared for class and do their own work. I tell my students that I have a set of expectations for them and that is to try their best at everything they do in my class and to be responsible with their work and actions. THEY are in control of the situation!!!! If they do not understand something then it is their responsibility to ask for another explanation. Never come home to you and say they can’t do the assignment because they don’t know what to do. Asking questions is them taking a bigger responsibility in their learning. Students are in control of their own situation!
Our Science Curriculum 7th grade : Biology/life sciences using Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) 7th grade will focus on plant and animal cells to the evolution of organisms. We start out with reviewing measuring skills and learning the lab equipment. The scientific method is applied during the hands-on inquiry labs. 8th grade: Chemistry/physical sciences using NGSS and STEM 8th grade will focus on gravity, motion and Newton’s Laws to the Periodic Table and atoms. We start out reviewing measuring skills and lab equipment. The scientific method is applied during the hands-on inquiry labs. Regular day includes signing-in in the morning for attendance. Turn in any important papers/homework in the A.M. Everyone is responsible for having a novel to read at all times of the day. It is mandatory for them to have this. Please have them read at home or to you to push better fluency and reading skills. Schedule for the day
What are Life Sciences? 7th grade a branch of science (as biology, medicine, and sometimes anthropology or sociology) that deals with living organisms and life processes. ANIMAL AND PLANT CELL – Parts and functions ECOSYSTEMS – How organisms react with their environment? PHOTOSYNTHESIS – How do plants make their own food? ANIMAL BEHAVIOR/ANIMAL REPRODUCTION
What are the Physical Sciences? 8th grade A branch of science (as chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.) that studies inanimate natural objects. Introduction to Matter-properties of matter, states of matter, elements of periodic table, atoms Interactions of Matter-chemical bonding and reactions Forces, Motion, and Energy-matter in motion (speed, velocity, friction), and forces in motion (inertia, momentum)
Practice Assignment Notebooks /Web site Purpose is to reinforce what is learned in class Child’s Responsibility—NOT PARENTS Amount of time Parental signatures and involvement Online textbook available ( All students are responsible for filling out their assignment books. It is a habit they must get into on a daily basis. I briefly look at all books to make sure they are using them properly, but I have 26 students to look at. I they are missing something, that is not an excuse for not completing the assignment. I do try to put up my assignments on my web page, but there might be a day that I have to leave early and am not able to update the page. That is not an excuse for not having something done. I started this as a convenience for parents to double check on their kid’s work. It is the child’s responsibility to do the homework, turn it in on time, neat and with quality work. The more we DO for our children, the less prepared they are for the real world. Helping or checking to make sure it is done and neat, is another issue. Ample time in class to start work, so no more than 1 hour total a night. If they are doing more, then they are not using their time wisely during the day. Test nights might be a little more time for studying. Tests/quizzes will need to be signed as a way of communicating how your child is doing. This counts as an assignment.
Discipline Verbal Warnings/reteach expectations. Call home Detention/Referral Slip Lunch time study hall Explain procedures and why a slip needs to be filled out and returned with completed assignment. Way of communicating with parent about incomplete work.
Rewards Positive note/call home or Spectacular Spartan postcard Possible time for game day Verbal praise Motivation is very important at this age, so we use the football field, game days, and intramurals to help motivate the students to work in school and learn about rewards etc. Football field will be done daily and is used as an incentive for completing homework and behavior daily. Once they have scored 3 touchdowns, they can pick out of reward box. Any contributions? At the end of the week, I do try to have 15-20 minutes of a game day if possible with our schedule. That will start soon if schedule allows.
Communication Newsletters and notes and websites E-mail/phone calls Signing of papers Progress Reports Report Cards Power School!!!!! (Child and Parent should be checking!) Newsletters and notes will be sent home frequently to inform you of events or concerns of the district. I will send notes home when necessary about upcoming assignments, progress reports, or any other concerns I have. Power School important tool to check your child’s progress.
Thank You E-Mail SHJH 815-469-4330 THE END