Welcome to Theatre Arts Mrs. Eanes
Lopez Drama Theatre Arts is a full year course designed to introduce students to the performing through the exploration of theatre. This class is performance oriented and our goal is promoting self-assurance in each student through interactive, creative communication. Classroom activities include improvisation, characterization, acting, theatre history and other elements of drama.
This is a performance class! Theatre Arts course work is consistent with the rigorous academic expectations of Lopez Middle School and NEISD. Students are expected to master reading, writing, memorizing and performing both in class and on their own throughout the year.
All Theatre Classes . . . Composition books due no later than Monday, August 26 for daily warm up “Thoughts On Theatre” T.O.T. *First & last name, class period on FRONT cover!
Performance opportunities for ALL . . . All theatre students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular theatre activities: play productions and contests! All information is available in class, be part of our extended theatre family!
Restroom Passes &Procedures *Each student will receive 3 restroom passes per semester *Only theatre passes may be used during theatre class! Use them wisely and only when absolutely necessary. *You must sign out & back in on the clipboard on my desk! Only one student may be out at a time. Restroom passes are not to be used to visit other areas on campus. Specific passes may be written for other needs: nurse, library, office, etc.
NO FOOD, DRINK or GUM allowed in class or on stage EVER!!!!! *Clear water bottle with lid ok Clean up your own spills or condensation immediately please!
Black Box & Stage Expectations *Be respectful of everyone and everything at all times. *Participate in every activity to the best of your ability. *Be prepared for class every day. *Retrieve your T.O.T book and be seated immediately to copy the daily warm up, return T.O.T. book to class crate when finished.
Be completely attentive for the duration of all performances. Show appreciation for all performers with polite applause at the conclusion of a scene. Be positive and constructive with all comments. Be in your seat for teacher, not bell, dismissal at the end of each class.
ACT LIKE A CHAMPION!!!! Handle all classroom materials with care. Use only your personal belongings unless you have specific permission from a classmate to use their things. Return signed forms no later than Monday, August 26 ACT LIKE A CHAMPION!!!!