Welcome day Erasmus/Exchange students campus Brussels 2019-2020
Welcome day - Programme 09:30 General welcome / Student facilities & student counselling / ICT / Safety 10.30 Programme-specific information session 11:30 Lunch at De Mineen 13:00-16:00 Walking tour in Brussels organised by ESN
Who are you? Erasmus students, exchange students, Faculty Arts & Faculty Economics and Business, many other international students of the English spoken International programmes, Brussels as an international city.
Who are we? KU Leuven, campus Brussels KU Leuven ≠ Odisee Business faculty – EQUIS accredited 45th best University of the world – Times Higher Education World list 2019
Antwerp Leuven FEB’s 4 Campuses Brussels Kortrijk
Antwerp Leuven Arts 3 Campuses Brussels
Who are we? 1. Centralised International Office – in Leuven 2. International Office Campus Brussels 3. Key persons internationalisation and academic responsibles 4. STUVO+ 5. ESN KULBrussels
Who are we? International Office KU Leuven, campus Brussels Vice-dean Internationalisation FEB= Peter Teirlinck Head of International Office FEB = Ingeborg Vandenbulcke Mobility coordinator KU Leuven, FEB= Dirk G. Van Waelderen Student advisor – incoming students, Faculties of Arts /FEB= Rebecca Rampelberg Student advisor – outgoing students, Faculties of Arts/FEB= Suzanne Steijleman
Who are we? 3. Key persons/advisors internationalisation Faculty of Arts Faculty of Economics and Business campus Brussels Netherlands/Hungaria/Wroclaw: Elke Brems United Kingdom: Tom Toremans Belgium and France: Luc Loonbeek Germany/Finland: Joël Rooms Italy: Giovanni Bevilacqua Russia/Poland except Wroclaw: Liutauras Kazakevicius Spain: Danny Masschelein (International coordinator – Arts faculty) Internationalization Advisers: Vanessa Geers (Adviser for Handelswetenschappen/Business Administration) Dorien Steegmans (MIBEM/MIBEB) Katrien Wauters (Adviser for Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering)
Who are we? 4. Integration officer @ student counseling: Accommodation, insurance, commune registration, banking etc. (= not study related): Mrs. Marieke Steurs - 1st floor 5. ESN KULBrussels and buddies – office 5th floor ‘T Serclaes building
Where are we?
Where are we?
What do we offer… Very motivated staff, skilled in problem solving Study in centre of Brussels Positive student environment Academic and cultural experience
Fall Semester Only 13 weeks of classes before Christmas Papers, group works, intermediate evaluations! Study hard => good chance in nice results If not => retries in August/September
Fall semester Agenda: Start semester: 23/09 First day of classes: 24/09 Last day of classes fall semester: 20/12 Christmas holiday: 23/12 – 5/01 Study week: 06/01 – 12/01 First day of exams: 13/01 Last day of exams: 01/02 Go Global fair: 05/11 - Leuven Farewell drink: December 2019
Spring semester Only 13 weeks of classes before exams Papers, group works, intermediate evaluations! Study hard => good chance in nice results If not => retries in August/September
Spring semester Welcome day: 6 February First day of classes: 10 February Last day of classes: 22 May Easter holiday: 6 April – 20 April International week: week of 4 May Farewell drink – May’20
Erasmus/Exchange practicalities & deadlines Further registration: if applicable in International Office, KU Leuven campus Brussels Password and log-in: envelop (will be given after the presentation) Finalising your ISP DEADLINE: 09/10 Finalising the Learning Agreement: DEADLINE 09/10 Student card – at the International office
Erasmus/Exchange practicalities & deadlines Info Market by Stuvo+: Monday 23/09 11.30-16.30 first floor – Hermes building room 1119 Information session (mandatory!) on-line platform for students + ISP Registration: Hermes building: 24/09 in room 4201 & 4102 , 12.30-13.30
Erasmus/Exchange practicalities & deadlines Student services @ T’Serclaes: bookshop(ground floor - C) student counselling + ombudsperson (1st floor – A/ StuVo+), student administration(1st floor - B) library (1st – 7th floor - C) ICT (3rd floor - A) DeMineen (student card necessary – no cash) Student services @ Hermes: Computer rooms Pub & Sandwich bar Study breaks
Erasmus/Exchange practicalities & deadlines Don’t forget to activate your account – check documents envelop scratch card – use your R-number (not b-number) Confirmation of arrival – signature needed Education and Exam Regulation: http://www.kuleuven.be/education/regulations/ Course schedule available on (only courses mentioned on the programme guide – NON-degree - Programme for exchange students fac. FEB. campus Brussels): https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/opleidingen/e/index.htm
KUL courses Available courses for FEB students can be found on the link below: https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven. be/opleidingen/n/index.htm#bl=4; 28,38&f=-1,-1,-1,-1 Course offer at the faculty of Arts on the link below: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/engli sh/education/brussels
KUL courses How many courses ? Blocks of 2 hours At KU Leuven 1 academic year = 60 ECTS credits 1 semester = 30 ECTS credits Agreement with your university ! Blocks of 2 hours Some once a week, other twice a week, other once every two weeks Changes in class schedule are always possible Check timetable daily Toledo/blackboard http://toledo.kuleuven.be Be present and be on time ! Final result = Class presence + home work + exam
KUL courses - registration (LA) Official registration consists of LA and ISP Learning Agreement List of courses - https://onderwijsaanbod.kuleuven.be/opleidingen/n/index.htm#bl=4;28,38&f=-1,-1,-1,-1 always check ECTS file for prerequisites language courses Changes possible (e.g. in case of overlap) via “During the mobility” (see details next slide) Hand in correct and signed LA/changes form send or bring in 1 copy (make sure that you & your coordinator signed it) T’Serclaes building – 5th floor room A05-01 Deadline: 9 October (afterwards no changes are possible)
KUL courses - changes (LA)
KUL courses – registration (ISP) 2. ISP = LA Course approval of ISP on basis of LA Courses in ISP = final exam registration no exams = no grade, no credit on transcript but NA (NA =not attended) Deadline : 9 October (no changes afterwards)
Exams All information about exams https://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/student-platform/exams Information session on exams How are KUL exams organised, what results can you expect, … => will be organised during the semester Result of your exams in KU Loket When? see studentportal https://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/leuven/students/administration-and-regulations-1/exams#deliberation In case of failure: resit between mid August and mid September only possible after registration in beginning of July (reminder by email)
Registration at city hall Mandatory if you stay longer than 3 months in Belgium Brussels city centre 1000, 1020, 1120 & 1130? EU-students & NON-EU – send an e-mail to student@brucity.be (leaflet in envelop with overview what you have to send) Other communes in Brussels go to the local city halls – overview of addresses in the envelop Leuven? You also need to make an appointment: https://www.kuleuven.be/english/admissions/travelling/appointment-cityhall More information can also be found on the link below: https://www.kuleuven.be/english/admissions/travelling/city-hall#2EEA
More information? International Office KU Leuven campus Brussels T’Serclaes 5th floor – A05-1 Warmoesberg 26 1000 Brussel Tel: +32(0)2 210 13 37 E-mail: FEB: internationaloffice.feb@kuleuven.be ARTS: mobility.brussel@kuleuven.be Open every day from 09.00 – 16.00 Closed every Friday Facebook group: ARTS: Incomingmobility@KULeuvenCampusBrussels https://www.facebook.com/groups/765627490149831/ FEB: Incomingmobility@FEBKULeuven: https://www.facebook.com/groups/169864516749274/ Websites: FEB: https://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/international or https://feb.kuleuven.be/eng/student-platform Arts: https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/english/education/brussels#contact or https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/english/students/brussels
Exchange = study + culture + ??? Sunday = rest (shops closed) Evening = 10pm = silence at home