Alton Elementary School Open House Sept. 5, 2019 We are Going for the GOLD!!
Welcome To Alton Elementary! Ms. K. Pikes and I (Mrs. Y. Baptiste) are excited and looking forward to working together with you and your child to achieve a successful year in Prekindergarten. Our goal is to engage the students in lessons and activities that will provide them with the academic and social skills needed to progress to the next level of academic, social and emotional maturity.
Agenda Website - calendar, teacher email, Open House ppt, JPAMS, ESSA video Class Schedule PBS in our Classroom and Home Expectations Grade Level Standards Diagnostic Testing/ PreK – 2nd Grade Assessments Ready Gen Zearn Dibels Computer Based Instructional Support: Smarty Ants, Mobymax, Zearn Grade level field trips( tentative list)
Alton Elementary School Website School Calendar Contacts - Teacher email Open House ppt JPAMS ESSA(Every Child Succeeds Act) video Open House feedback
Class Schedules Mrs. Baptiste Ms. pikes
PBS in our Classroom and Home Expectations School-wide GOLD CASH We provide clear behavioral expectations and use effective methods to monitor, prevent, and redirect behavior. *Rules/expectations are posted around the classroom *The teacher and para model and role play rules/expectations for students.
Grade Level Standards St. Tammany Parish Early Childhood uses a state approved curriculum based on Louisiana Early learning and development Standards (ELDS) for 4-year old children.
Diagnostic Assessments Pre-K – 2nd TS GOLD is an ongoing observation assessment tool used to track student progress over time. Teachers observe and assess students on 38 objectives for development and learning, which includes the skills and knowledge that predict children’s school success. The 38 objectives are aligned to the Louisiana Early Learning and Development Standards.
Computer Based Instructional Support Smarty Ants MobyMax Zearn
Grade Level Field Trips List *Airport *Grocery store (the example was Rouse’s) *Pumpkin/ 🍓 patch *Corn maze *Zoo
TOGETHER we are Simply the BEST!! THANK YOU!!! TOGETHER we are Simply the BEST!!