St. Paul UMC Safe Sanctuary Training WELCOME St. Paul UMC Safe Sanctuary Training
Jesus’ example . . . Mark 9:36-37 “Then [Jesus] took a little child and put [him] among them; and taking [her] in his arms, he said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” The IMPORTANCE & VALUE of Children & Youth
Sensitive Issue Statistics By the age of 18 1 out of 3 girls 1 out of 5 boys
What will this policy do for St. Paul? Create a “Heightened Common Sense” If 2nd year of training . . . Allow us to find “Grace-filled” ways to live out the policy (as opposed to rigidness)
Policy as Precaution At church we . . . Lock the closet with chemicals in it Lock the offices Our computers have passwords We have age-appropriate toys The policy becomes another safe-guard
Approved by Church Council 8/23/10 Artwork from Safe Sanctuaries, Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church for Children and Youth © 2008 by Discipleship Resources. Used by permission.
MINIMUM AGE Volunteers and staff should be 4 years older (and a minimum of 6th grade) than the age of the children/youth they will be serving. Volunteers under the age of 18 will be considered assistants. Volunteers in 6th – 12th grade will have to have the approval of either the Director of Nursery Ministries or the Director of Children’s Ministries AND the Director of Youth Ministries.
SIX MONTH RULE All volunteers must have been an active participant in the congregation for six months before they will be allowed to serve as a volunteer in the areas of nursery, children and youth ministries. Exceptions to this rule will be considered by the Safe Sanctuary Board and Pastor(s).
POLICY INSTRUCTION Annual attendance at a Safe Sanctuary training (or similar event) shall be required of all paid staff members, and adult volunteers who work with children and/or youth. These training sessions will focus on current issues of child safety.
SCREENING PROCEDURES The following will be required prior to serving as a volunteer or staff member. There will be special exceptions at the discretion of the Safe Sanctuaries Board. a. An application b. An interview c. Disclosure Form d. Reference Checks (2) e. Background Checks
TWO ADULT RULE A minimum of two non-related adults are to be utilized in all programming with children and youth. When impossible to staff with two non-related adults, there must be an additional adult serving as a floater (Pastor, Sunday School Superintendent or a screened volunteer, etc.) with visual and physical access to all areas.
SIGN-IN PROCEDURES It is recommended that children under 6th grade be signed in and out by a parent or guardian with information as to where they will be and any special problems or allergies noted.
DISCIPLINE No physical punishment or verbal abuse, e.g., ridicule, are to be used at any time. If the behavior continues to be a problem, it will be discussed with parents or guardians.
OPEN DOOR POLICY Classrooms or child care rooms may be visited without prior notice by church staff, parents or other volunteer church workers, e.g, Sunday School Superintendent, at any time. Brief observations of child care rooms and classrooms of children or youth are conducted by the pastor or primary leader during all activities.
ADVANCE NOTICE Parents will always have advance notice and full information regarding events in which their children or youth will be participating. A signed permission slip must accompany children or youth on off-site events.
COMMON SENSE RULE In advance, persons planning ministries with children and youth will carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of the settings in which they will be with the children/youth, whether this be indoor, outdoor, classroom, ball fields, gym, bus, hotel, etc. Plans must be made for adequate supervision. ALSO, safety and supervision should be assessed regarding the use of equipment, such as vigilance when children are using the playground.
MENTORING Outings should be in public places; Routes, time frames, etc. should be agreed upon in advance, and known to all; Plan activities & outings that include several adults & children (i.e., two sets of mentor & child); One-to-one mentoring or tutoring should take place in a group setting, such as one large room rather than individual rooms spread through the church building.
ROOMING Adults should not share the same bed with a youth or child (except parent/child). An adult should not to be alone with a youth or child in a room.
TRANSPORTATION Traveling to or from programmed events: All drivers must be 25 years of age or older. Where possible, it is recommended that two adults be placed in each vehicle or the vehicles teamed in minimum groups of 2 that stay together at all times. For all trips each child and youth shall have a regular permission slip from the parents/guardian, signed. Yearly, a permission/medical slip shall be on file for each child or youth.
HOME VISITS VISITING AT YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S WORKERS HOME When volunteers or staff are serving as a representative(s) of St. Paul in their home (for example, in a youth leader capacity) they must: Follow the two adult rule (non-related adults), Follow the adult/child ratios.
FACILITIES CHECK The Safe Sanctuary Board should perform an annual check of the church facility and grounds and equipment for safety, child accessibility, and child appeal and perform periodic fire drills, in conjunction with the Director of the Preschool Ministries.
Outside Groups Outside groups will adhere to St. Paul UMC’s Safe Sanctuary Policies.
How to Respond “I believe you and I will get you help.” Comfort and reassure the child: “I believe you and I will get you help.” Child should not feel ashamed. Write down exactly what the child told you If it’s immediate danger, call police Call TN Department of Children’s Services Mandatory & Confidential Tell a St. Paul Pastor if: On Church Property At a Church Function
Talking to OUR children Age appropriate Don’t use nicknames #1. Say, “NO!” #2. RUN #3. TELL ME (Trusted Adult)
5 Types of Child Abuse
Neglect A failure to provide… Food, Clothing, & Shelter Supervision Education Health Care Hygiene Unsanitary Home Conditions/ Hoarding
Emotional Interferes with positive emotional development Slow to walk or talk Seeks constant attention (not getting at home) Poor self-image Poor academics
Physical 2nd leading cause of death in children Causing severe physical harm Bruises, welts, burns Shaken babies Aggression or withdrawal Outrageous explanations for injuries 2nd leading cause of death in children Discipline Teaches – Physical Abuse Harms
Sexual Intimidates or forces a child into sexual activity Sleep disturbances Avoids place/person Unusual knowledge/talking about sexual activities Sexual behavior Private areas bleeding/bruising
Domestic Violence Child witnesses abusive couples at home Lying Seeks constant attention Poor anger management Self-Abuse Anxiety Girls- Passive; Boys- Aggressive
Thank You!!! For your time For your service to Christ And for loving our children!