Join us in prayer for THAILAND
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. Ephesians 1:18
Thailand is a largely Buddhist country. Only 0.63% of the population is considered evangelical Christian. Joshua project
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Ayutthaya Home to 1 million people, 700 of whom know Christ. Of the 16 districts, only 10 have a church. 10% Muslim population. No Christian workers reaching this group. Could you be part of a church-planting team bringing the gospel to this unreached area?
Pray for communities where Christ is least known Isaan Home to 21 million people, 0.2% know Christ. People are forced to move to larger cities to seek better employment. Children are left to be brought up by relatives. Could you be part of a university outreach team bringing the gospel to this little-reached area?
Please pray with the SIM Thailand team That the Lord would raise up a multi-ethnic team to serve in Ayutthaya and the Isaan region where there is no gospel witness. Especially for workers skilled in sport, community health education, and English language teaching. For strength and patience for those already serving in the little-reached areas of Thailand. For workers skilled in leadership and administration to serve in the SIM Thailand office.
Thank you for your prayers For more information, prayer resources, or if you are interested in serving, please visit