Anti Bullying Assemblies for every year led by our Y7 and Y8 members We have been active as a group since the last meeting. We now have members from Y7-10 as our marketing at the Open Evening and Options Fair was successful. We now have 15-20 members attending weekly but we are still trying to recruit more as we are aware that a number of our group are in Y10 and will be leaving us next year We began November participating in Anti Bullying week. Our Y7 and 8 members led the assemblies for the whole school entirely on their own as Mrs Marr was off sick. They did an amazing job. We also created our first EARA notice board and our RR News saw their first copy hot off the press. We are also working this year with Mrs Funnell and Mrs Marr to make sure that we get our RR reaccreditation this year.
HTC Youth Pride launched successfully October 2017 Since last meeting we have successfully launched our HTC Youth Pride and we meet every other Monday. This is a student led group and they are beginning to think about plans for this year. We will be putting up a display in the Library and on our EARA board looking at LGBT+ role models during February. The members of Youth Pride will be receiving training from Educate and celebrate and then work towards PYN targets. As members of EARA at HTC We want everyone to feel safe and equally valued. A few years back we had a teachers pledge to challenge prejudical and derogatory language. We have decided to develop this and create a pledge for everyone at HTC. During our assemblies we launched our pledge. The idea is that for each year group to be given one of the colours from the LGBT+ flag and one to staff. Students ccn then sign up to the pledge and we will create our version of the flag from all the signatures. LGBT+ History Month saw the launch of Our Pledge. The idea is for every member of HTC, student and staff to sign up to the pledge. We will then display this as the LGBT+ flag Members of our group led the LGBT+ History Month assemblies for the whole school
Examples of our Holocaust assembly led by Chloe and Wendy Last week Chloe and Wendy led our Holocaust Memorial Day assemblies across the school. This year the theme was the power of words and we wanted students to think about how they use their words today and how they accept what the media tells them and also the impact of their language at our school. This links to the lanch of Our Pledge as well We were also invited to attend the Havant Holocaust Memorial Day assembly and attend a lunch with Holocaust survivor William Bergman. The Mayor of Havant was really interested in our EARA group and has asked if they can visit with us. We found this day really moving especially when William told us his story. We are now writing a report for this for the College paper and website. Plans for this term: To collect all the names from students signing up to the Pledge and create our collage which we will hope to have next meeting. To update our EARA board this term 100 years of womans suffrage and LGBT+ History Month. To help put together our evidence for reaccreditation. Examples of our Holocaust assembly led by Chloe and Wendy Members of EARA representing HTC at the Havant memorial Day service and later meeting William Bergman Holocaust survivor