Booking your accommodated exams online Assessment Services Building 200, Room 218 Email: Book online:
Want to book your VIU accommodated exams online? Are you a VIU student with a documented disability ? Have you registered with Disability Services? Have you received your Accommodation Letter and brought it to your course instructors? Yes? Great! Let’s get started. Scan QR code to go directly to the booking site: Don’t want a code? Book here: VIU Assessment Services
Exam Booking Deadlines 1 week in advance Mid-terms and quizzes November 20 for December Finals March 20 for April Finals Final Exams VIU Assessment Services
Booking mid-term exams and quizzes at a glance Registration number PIN 1. Log In Select course Select exam date Select exam time 2. Request Exam Await Instructor approval Await Assessment Services approval 3. Write Exam VIU Assessment Services
Logging in 1. Go to log-in page: 2. Log in with your student registration number and password. 3. Click on Request Exam to see your current registered courses. Go here to book your in-class exams and quizzes. VIU Assessment Services
Booking your accommodated mid- term exams or quizzes 1. Click the small, green circle to the left of course code 2. Select the class test date and time 3. If no scheduling conflicts*, click Submit * NOTE: Our exam center is open from 8 am until 6 pm, Monday to Friday, for accommodated exams. Please take into consideration any Extra Time accommodation you may have when booking. VIU Assessment Services
Booking Final Exams When final exam schedules are announced, you will be able to see your final exams here: ‘Select a final exam’. Please note that all final exams scheduled for 9:00am will begin at 8:30am to allow for extra time accommodations. VIU Assessment Services
Alternate Exam Requests *Note: This requires instructor approval. Talk with your instructor before you make an alternate exam request. it falls outside of our office hours (after 6pm, on weekends); it conflicts with your other classes; it conflicts with a scheduled medical appointment. You can request an alternate exam date or time if: VIU Assessment Services
Alternate Exam Requests at a Glance 1. Enter scheduled class test date and time. Do not click submit yet. 2. Select reason for alternate exam request from dropdown menu. Click Submit below menu box. 3. Select up to two alternate times and dates. Check with your instructor first. They may have scheduling preferences. Click submit. VIU Assessment Services
Monitoring your Exam Requests Did you know…? You can check the status of your exam requests by clicking on the ‘View Status’ button at the top left of your screen. You will be able to see the following dates: The scheduled exam date/time for your class The agreed-upon date/time of your accommodated exam The date you requested the accommodated exam The date your instructor approved your exam request The date Assessment Services approved your exam request VIU Assessment Services
Questions? Assessment Services Contact us with any questions about booking, rescheduling or cancelling your accommodated exams. Assessment Services Building 200, Room 218 Open 8:00 am- 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Email: Book online: VIU Assessment Services