Aim: How do you effectively create a product and advertise it? 12/10/2019 Aim: How do you effectively create a product and advertise it?
What is Advertising? Advertising is a way to get your message to your desired audience Objective is to create awareness, motivation, trial and provide information To do this right, you need a plan
What to include in an advertising plan? Advertising objectives and goals Advertising strategies, both media and creative Implementation Evaluation Budget
What’s your marketing goal? Your marketing goal is basically what you want to accomplish through promotion Are you trying to fill mid-week rooms, attract seasonal visitors, generate phone calls?
How do you build an advertising strategy? Ask yourself these four questions Who are you trying to reach? What do you want to say to them? How, when, and where are you going to reach them? Why you have chosen the steps you have selected?
Who are you trying to reach? This is your Target Market. You want to create the right message for the right person What do you know about your consumer and what do they think of you?
Frequency As a general rule, it takes 10-15 exposures to a message to gain retention and action by a potential customer A message can be a combination of exposure raging from advertisements, editorials, to word-of-mouth recommendations A receptive or familiar market may need fewer exposures than a new unfamiliar market.
Who’s your audience? It’s a good idea to do some research on your consumer. You might be surprised at what you find. Here’s what you’ll want to know: Location Age Marital/Family Status Income Life stage Travel Patterns
What do you want to say? This is where you decide your creative strategy. What do you want your audience to think or know about you? How can you convey this message? What are the needs and wants of your target consumer?
What are my media choices? Television Radio Magazine Newspaper Direct Mail Outdoor Transit Email
Television Network – most costly, but reaches the largest amount of people Spot – can pick a specific audience in a specific area Cable - less expensive than prime time on major networks and you can pinpoint audiences very precisely.
Television Advantages Can reach up to 95% of homes in the US Capable of targeting specific audiences Disadvantages Very Costly Wasted Coverage Breaking through clutter
Radio Advantages Segmented Media Tailor to profile your audience Immediate Greater flexibility Disadvantages Can’t see products Breaking through the clutter
Magazines Advantages Great number of special interest pubs Great Color reproduction Capable of producing beautiful imagery Regional versions available for some magazines Disadvantages National magazines are costly and could include wasted coverage Printed less frequently with early deadlines
Newspapers Advantages Great local medium with excellent reach Timing is very flexible Good call for immediate action Disadvantages Rarely saved by purchaser Poor color reproduction Limited use of fine or detailed imagery
Direct Mail Advantages Greatest audience selectivity More complete information on your destination or attraction Disadvantages Often thought of as junk mail
Outdoor Advantages Most cost-effective medium Good visibility Flexible You know exactly where your ad is Disadvantages No lengthy messages Fleeting Easily forgotten
Transit Advantages Audience selectivity Concise, breakthrough messages are critical Disadvantages Heavy travel times not conducive to reading copy
Internet Advantages Fastest growing medium Active reader involvement Desirable demographic profiles Disadvantages Difficult to control user over time Return on investment is difficult to measure Not everyone is online
Timing Your Advertising Two factors to consider: Purchase frequency - the more frequently a product is purchased, the less repetition is required Forgetting rate - the speed at which a person will forget a brand if no advertising is seen nor heard