Genital Nerve Damage Recovery: Finding a Way Back to Male Organ Sensitivity


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Presentation transcript:

Genital Nerve Damage Recovery: Finding a Way Back to Male Organ Sensitivity

Genital nerve damage usually doesn’t happen overnight, but it can feel like it. One day a man’s member is super-sensitive and reacts to a cool breeze. Not far into the future, a man is feeling numb, and nothing can make his cucumber grow. Other men experience the freeze or fire of neuropathy. The tingling and shooting shocks that persist indicate that something is not right downtown. But what’s causing it, and more importantly, how can it be fixed? Here’s the info every man needs in order to understand what causes genital nerve damage and to know the symptoms to look for, how to recover, and finally, how to prevent it. After all, only Thor should have a lightning-shooting hammer, right?

What Is Genital Nerve Damage? Nerve damage, in general, is also known as neuropathy. Many men may have heard of neuropathy because it’s a common side effect of diabetes. However, a man can have nerve damage due to many things, such as disease, genetics, or lifestyle. Genital nerve damage specifically has its own causes and effects, most notably loss of genital sensitivity and resulting tumescence dysfunction.

Genital Nerve Damage Symptoms There are several symptoms of genital nerve damage. Of course, not all men experience the same symptoms, and some experience them in less or more intensity than do others. The following are some of the most common signs of genital nerve damage: Loss of genital sensitivity A tingling sensation Numbness A bluish hue to the member Complete lack of feeling when stimulated A fiery or cold sensation A feeling of “pins and needles” or feeling as though lightning is shooting through the member

Potential Causes of Genital Nerve Damage Genital nerve damage can be caused by many things, some preventable and some that just aren’t. Thankfully, both kinds respond to treatment, and most men can regain some or all sensation back into their member. Here are some of the most common causes of genital nerve damage:

Disease States: Diabetes Multiple sclerosis Cancer Lupus Hepatitis C Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) HIV Low androgen Guillain-Barré syndrome Peyronie’s disease

Lifestyle Causes: Member trauma or injury (especially repeated trauma) Not using any or enough lubricant when having relations or practicing self-pleasure Wearing pants, exercise bottoms, and underwear that are too tight or in fabrics that are not breathable Using a “death grip” or excessively tight or vigorous self-gratification Intensely rough intimacy

Genital Nerve Damage Recovery There are several treatment options open to men who are experiencing genital nerve damage. Results will differ in intensity and success. Here are a few ways men can bring some male organ sensitivity back or regain it completely: Treat disease first before treating the nerve damage. Some medications cause damage; see a doctor for potential alternatives. Use a quality lubricant every time things are approaching dry, whether with a partner or solo. Pull back on the intensity or participation in rough intimacy. Stop using a “death grip.”

Take some time away from sensual activity of every kind for a while to regain feeling. Swap the tight pants and skivvies for looser fits and better, breathable materials. Use a specially formulated male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the member vigorous and sensitive. Using an oil like this that includes an amino acid called L-carnitine is the best way to go because it has been clinically shown to be successful at protecting the member from peripheral nerve damage.Man 1 Man Oil