Welcome to Class 2PB
2PB Class Teachers Mrs Bricknell and Mrs Perkinton
Other teaching staff Mrs Mears is the Year 2 supporting adult. Mrs Gregoriou will take the children for ICT (Monday a.m.). Miss Conway will teach Music on (Monday a.m.).
Girls White Polo Shirt Royal Blue Cardigan/Jumper Dark Grey/Black Skirt or Trousers White/Grey/Black Tights or Socks Black School Shoes
Boys White Polo Shirt Royal Blue Jumper Dark Grey/Black Trousers or Shorts Black School Shoes
School shoes should be practical and hard wearing. No trainers please. x x x x x x School shoes should be practical and hard wearing. No trainers please.
School Uniform Sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces, with the school logo, can be purchased from https://www.smithsschoolwear.co.uk/store/
Don’t forget to label EVERYTHING!
PE – Tuesday afternoon (Indoor) Year 2 PE PE – Tuesday afternoon (Indoor) Friday afternoon (Outdoor) PE kit should be left in school for the whole week and sent home at the end of each half term.
The PE kit is shorts and a t-shirt for indoor PE. For outdoor PE the P The PE kit is shorts and a t-shirt for indoor PE. For outdoor PE the P.E. kit is blue tracksuit/jogging bottoms, tracksuit top/sweatshirt, white T-shirt and trainers/plimsolls. We encourage bare foot work for gymnastics for safety and high quality. No jewellery is allowed for PE. It is important every child takes part in PE and wears the appropriate kit. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times.
Reading Books Reading books are changed on Fridays. Book bags should be brought to school every day. Please make a comment in the reading diary and sign to say you have heard your child read.
Growing up in a Faith Community Great Fire of London Pepys Year 2 Wow Week 1 Wow Week 2 Wow Week 3 Wow Week 4 Wow Week 5 Wow Week 6 Geography DT Art RE History Turkish Study Turkish Food Turkish Art Textiles Places of Worship De Bohun During WWII Growing up in a Faith Community Great Fire of London Pepys Design a house Southgate Worship Florence Nightingale And Mary Seacole Printing William Morris Text Supporting Knowledge Enrichment Launch/Finale WOW Can you guess from the clues where the box is from? Learn rhymes and games from WW2 Hot seat Pepys Florence and Mary British Values Mutual Respect Law and Order What do the police do in the community? Community Links Invite parents to give a talk Invite parents to view artwork Invite Jewish community to explore Hanukkah with the children Invite Christian community to share with the children Invite parents to view the DT Work Walk around the local area Invite Muslim community to share Ramadam with the children
Homework due in Tuesday Home/School Liaison Book Homework is sent home on Friday and should be completed at home and returned on Tuesday morning. The children will have a piece of work to complete on ‘My Maths’ plus some spellings to learn which they will be tested on weekly. Prior to our WOW week there will be an additional investigative piece of homework. Year 2 Homework due in Tuesday Name Edward Smith
Words bank think honk sunk pink Look Say Cover Write Check Words 1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt 4th attempt bank think honk sunk pink Your child needs to be supervised while they are doing their homework and spellings. In the homework folder there is place for you to make a comment about the work and for your child to do so too.
Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks (ITAFS) The expectations for children in Year 2 by the end of Summer Term https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/teacher-assessment-frameworks-at-the-end-of-key-stage-1