ICT – “Myself Presentation” Keywords MEANING Presentation A presentation can mean simply standing in front of an audience and talking. However, in terms of ICT it usually means making use of presentation software to support what you are saying. Audience In terms of ICT the 'audience' is the group of people for whom you are developing your work. Purpose The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Animation Animation is where a series of still images are linked together as part of a timed sequence. This makes the image appear to move. This is the same technique used when making cartoons. Transition In Microsoft PowerPoint, slide transitions are motion effects that occur in Slide Show view, when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation. Colour scheme A combination of colours that has been chosen for the presentation. Consistency Consistency means that all parts of the layout take a similar approach in the design of the presentation. For example all titles are bold and underlined, and backgrounds on all slides have the same colour scheme and look.