Personal Issues
Reasons Students are Not Successful Homesickness Academic Stress Financial Issues Work and school Partying Private Matters
Homesickness Issues Ways to cope Drastic Transition New environment Feelings of isolation and loneliness Anxiety Ways to cope Make new friends Schedule calls home on certain days Join clubs and organizations Explore and get familiar with the campus Bring something from home to keep in the dorm room
Stress Issues Ways to cope Greater academic demands More academic independence and responsibility Higher expectations Feelings of being overwhelmed and unprepared Ways to cope Keep up with school work (2 hours of studying for every one hour in class) Seek help early (talk with professors / get a tutor) Get at least 7 hours of sleep Plan out semester and use a planner Stay in contact with loved ones at home
Financial Problems Issues Ways to cope Lack of support from family Textbook costs Excessive spending Tuition and fees Ways to cope Scholarships Make a budget and setting spending limit Rent textbooks or buy used Financial Aid office Apply for Work Study
Work and School Issues Ways to cope Stress of job and school Busy schedule/Lack of free time Unable to prioritize Difficult building connections to campus Ways to cope Set realistic academic expectations Know your goals Reduce work hours if possible Save money over school breaks Find on campus employment
Partying Issues Ways to cope Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs Too much fun and not enough studying Late hours Blowing off class Ways to cope Socialize in moderation Complete school work before going out Set a limit and know when enough is enough Don’t drink in excess Contact Health and Wellness Center
Private Matters Issues Ways to cope Roommate troubles Death in the family Dealing with a breakup or heartbreak Unplanned pregnancy Ways to cope Communication is key! Talk about issues early and seek help Utilize on campus resources Develop a support group (family and friends)
Did you know?
Campus Resources Counseling & Psychological Services: Lawrence Center, Second Level 705 S. New Street, West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436-2301. Individual and group services. Department of Public Safety: Peoples Building 690 South Church Street, West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436-3311. Crime reporting and investigation, safe escort on campus. Learning Assistance Resource Center: 224 Lawrence Center, West Chester, PA 19382; 610-436-2535. Tutoring, study skills and more. Office of Student Conduct: Ruby Jones Hall, Room 200 West Chester, PA 19382; 610-436-3511 Dowdy Multicultural Center: Sykes Student Union, Room 003 West Chester, PA 19382; 610-436-3273. Services promoting academic achievement and personal well being. Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 114 W. Rosedale Avenue, West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436-2433. Mediation and investigation of complaints of harassment and discrimination.
Campus Resources cont’d. Campus Recreation: 275 North Campus Drive, West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436- 1732 Student Health Services: Commonwealth Hall, Ground Floor; 610-436-2509 Twardowski Career Development Center: 225 Lawrence Center 705 S. New Street, West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436-2501 Center for Women & Gender Equity: Lawrence Center, Room 214 West Chester, PA 19383; 610-436-2122. Resources, support, referrals for all women's issues. Writing Center: FHG Library Room 251, West Chester, PA 19382; 610-430-5664. Writing assistance start to finish. Financial Aid Office: 25 University Avenue, Suite 030, West Chester, PA 19383; 610- 436-2627 Scholarships: