Wellington Elementary 2019-2020 kinder Camp 19’-20’ Wellington Elementary 2019-2020
Kinder Teachers kimberly Burson Melany Ebeler Rosa Giraldo Gabriella Hernandez Lindsey Hurst Kathy Hodges
“Kindergarten ” School hours 7:45 - 3:00pm Schools opens @ 7:15
“Home Room colors” Mrs. Burson- NAvy Blue Mrs. Ebeler - Red Mrs. Giraldo - yellow Mrs. Hernandez - Teal Mrs. Hodges - orange Mrs. Hurst - Green
“Kindergarten Schedule” 7:45-7:55 Morning Reading Announcements 7:55-8:25 Morning Message Word Work Phonemic Awareness 8:25-8:55 Reader’s Workshop/ Social Studies 8:55-9:55 Guided Reading Literacy Workstations 9:55-10:30 Writer’s Workshop 10:30-11:00 Lunch 11:00-11:30 Recess 11:30-12:00 Science 12:00-12:50 Enrichment 12:50-1:00 Science Wrap Up 1:00-2:20 Math (IPS, Whole Group, Guided Math & Stations) 2:20-2:50 Snack, Pack, Free Choice 2:50-3:00 Reflect Line Up in Hallway
Lunch 10:30 -11:00 If you will bring your child’s lunch to school, please make sure that it is on time. You can drop it off at the front of the school. Please let your teacher know in advance. Cafeteria lunches cost $2.60 and breakfast $1.25. We advise parents to create an account online and add money to your child’s account. You can also send a check made to WES Cafeteria. Visitors Visitors will not be allowed for the first two weeks. Please remember that you must still check in at the office when visiting for lunch. Please note that you can only eat with your child and not with his friends.
Recess We go to recess from 11:00-11:30 each day. If it is raining or if the temperature is not within safe guidelines (104, 33 no recessper Nurse), we will have indoor recess. It is our school policy that parents and siblings may not join us on the playground for safety reasons. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We encourage NO open toed shoes or flip flops. Girls-please wear shorts under dresses
specials 12:00 - 12:50 Please wear tennis shoes during PE days
What do kindergartners need to bring? Backpack Folder every day please pack an extra change of clothes in case of an bathroom accident. ) Lunchbox (if they are not buying lunch) Snack. Please pack it separately
Snacks We eat snacks at 2pm. Your child may bring a snack each day. It needs to be packed separately from his/her lunch. Please no fruit cups and send utensils if needed.
Arrival Procedures In the mornings, kindergarteners are to go to the cafeteria and find their table Color. (it will be the same color they were assigned on the first day) After class placement the students will go to the cafeteria and sit at their homeroom teacher table. Students will be walked down to the classroom by staff members on duty.
Dismissal Procedures Students will have attached to their backpacks a different color tag for dismissal procedures. Tags will need to be kept on their backpacks every day. Kindergarten car riders will be picked up in the Blue zone. You must have a car tag to pick up your child. Older siblings will come to the kindergarten student for pick up. The first weeks of school, The car line may move slowly. As students become familiar with the process, the line will move quickly.
Dismissal Procedures Walkers: If your kindergartener will be walking home, please plan to meet your child at one of the 2 walker exits (Marquee / cafeteria). If your child is meeting up with a sibling at wellington please make sure that the sibling’s teacher is also aware of the arrangements. Car Riders: All Car Rider students will be escorted by a teacher/staff member to the front of the school. ESD - Bus riders - DayCare: All students will be escorted to the designated area.
Dismissal Procedures If you need to change the way your child gets home from school during the first 2 weeks of school, please contact the office BEFORE 2:00 pm. Please try to be consistent with how your child gets home each day. Because students will be rotating classrooms and will be learning so many new routines, keeping your child’s transportation consistent will be very helpful for them and for us!
Absences The district will accept no more than 8 parent notes in a school year to excuse an illness, personal, or pre-approved absence. No more than 6 notes may be used in a semester. Any additional absences will require a note from a health care provider or documentation of an absence exempt from compulsory attendance, in order to be excused. The pre-arranged absence requests are grouped in with the 8 allowed parent absences per year. Doctors’ notes do not count with the 8 parent notes per year. Perfect Attendance (NEW) - LISD has defined the following perfect attendance guidelines for Elementary: A perfect attendance award can only be earned if the student is present every day, for the entire school day, with no unexcused late arrivals and no early departures.
IMPORTANT If someone else other than parents are planning to pick up or sign out your kid Before school is over please send a written note to your teacher. This is required by the office
Volunteers PLease make sure that you registered in VOLY Volunteer in class Parent reading Chaperones www.lewisvilleisd.VOLY.org.
Forms Please be sure to log into Skyward to complete/update your forms. Students will not be allowed access to technology unless the AUP Consent Form is completed. Please be sure to log into Skyward to complete/update your forms. Make sure your emergency contacts are updated
Mrs. Hurst - Mrs. Giraldo Welcome to our class Mr. Hurst - English Teacher Blue Group Mrs. Giraldo - Spanish Teacher Red Group
Rotation Monday - Wednesday Homeroom Fridays Half day
Communication Take Home Folder Check it every night and sign it Reading Book Bag Go home each Tuesday Return on Friday for new books Facebook - Giraldo/Hurst Class Weekly Newsletters ( skyward / email) Please email to both of us giraldor@lisd.net hurstl@lisd.net
Scholastic Magazines This year sip classes will have the Scholastic Magazines for the Spanish classes Please send $6.50. We have envelopes for you to pick up at the end.
Classroom Management Dojo Take home folder Friday celebrations Incentives
Name Badges Student name badges should stay here at school. If your child comes home with their name badge, please be sure to send it with them the next day! Replacement badges can be purchased in the office for $2.
Personal Items Please be sure to label your child’s personal items. If these items are lost, it is easier to locate them from lost and found when a student’s name is on them! Jackets, coats, lunch boxes, water bottles If your child brings a toy, we are not responsible if get lost or misplace
Wish List Many of you have email us about to our wish list. Mrs. Hurst & Sra. Giraldo have created classroom wish lists on Amazon. We will email the link to you this week, if you are interested in donating items to our classroom!
Birthday celebration We love to celebrate their B-days Bring Snacks Store bought snack, donuts. Please send it to school with your child or drop it off at the office by 1:00pm. Please make sure to email us.
Student of the week We love to know more of our students Each week, one student will have a turn. During this week student will have the opportunity to share all about them. Parents will be wellcome to come to reed during this week. Make sure you sign up in Voly.
PTA - Roster Form We encourage all of our families to join the Wellington PTA. Our PTA does an amazing job supporting our school and the teachers. Please be as involved as you are able. Before leaving, please fill out the Class Roster Form. This information will be helpful to our Room Reps. in organizing our class for various events. Thank you!
Thanks for coming tonight!!